موقع رواد التحكم الصناعي الالكتروني - تعز

الموقع يختص بالجوانب العلمية والعملية في حياتنا ويهتم بالشأن الثقافي والادبي

قسم المشاركات العامة


10 نصائح للحفاظ علي سلامه المخ
إستخدم الأذن اليسرى للرد على الهاتف والجوال .
لا تشرب القهوة مرتين في اليوم .
لا تتناول الحبوب الدوائية مع الماء البارد .
لا تتناول وجبة كبيرة بعد الساعة الخامسة مساءا .
قلل من كميات الاغذية الزيتية التي تستهلكها .
اشرب الكثير من الماء في الصباح و في المساء .
ابعد الجوال عنك اثناء عملية الشحن .
لا تستخدم سماعات الرأس/سماعة الأذن لفترة طويلة .
افضل اوقات النوم من 10م الى 6ص .
لا تستلقي فورا بعد أخذ أدوية ما قبل النوم .
لا تستخدم الجوال اذا كانت البطارية منخفضة للحد الأدنى لأن الاشعاعات تصل الى 1000 ضعف .
كن إيجابياً .. وانشر المعرفة بين أصدقائك

كل الذي ذكرتها تشوي أدمغتنا واضيف أنا أن نتجنب المرور أو العيش في الاماكن الموجوده فيها أبراج الاتصالات وذلك لوجود موجات كهرومغناطيسية تتسبب في خلخلة الخلايا ويالتالي قد تؤدي الى السرطان

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نشرت فى 2 مارس 2013 بواسطة NAIFIT

Ten steps towards a happy life

One can congratulated very happy to follow the path of the ten-point lead to enjoy a happy life.

As indicated by the psychologists.

And psycho-social expert says Dr. Frederick Koenig Mini that happiness in ten key elements

The following are those elements which he refers to Dr. Koenig with his advice on how to achieve them:

● number Mzayak, where Dr. Koenig recommends making a list of things that you Ba Njazha quite well, such as pruning trees your garden or cooking or child care, and then a list of other people who incite

The importance of including your spouse or your boss or friends. This will allow taking such a step one

Recognize that a very important person.

● Enjoy the work being done and you can, in this context ruminate last time received the acclaim of your boss or your partner as a result of the work you've performed on some good, and recommends Dr. Koenig need that one thinks of the void that will be felt one in his life when unemployed work.

The people who perform their work quite well, whether they are clean their homes electrical Palmcans or dyed cars, are the most Astmtaaa people their jobs, also referring to Dr. Koenig.

● Open your heart to others. Dr. Koenig recommends that one tries to open the door for someone else carries luggage or to offer the car driver lost his way to help him that the person who opens his heart even to strangers can increase happiness significantly.

● devoted part of your time to enjoy, and can in this regard a schedule for trips over the weekend with the family or out of the house to have dinner in a restaurant where the enjoy such outings allows one time to relax and renew vitality and activity.

● understand what is really important to you, where one must realize that just to get wealth and success occupies only falling behind in him the really important stuff in his life. Dr. Koenig recommends that one remembers his wedding day and happiness that flooded on that occasion. As well as remember the day he was born the first of its production, then imagine the loss of their loved one Akpadeh or one grieves him, God forbid, he realizes that they come at the top of the list of things that make him feel very happy.

● dealing with your body properly, it has Several studies have suggested that exercise contributes to get rid of stress and increase self-confidence, and despite that there is no need to run for a distance of ten miles per week

Where enough walking distance of half an hour three times a week.

● only contact with others through touch, as warmly shake hands with others or arrangement on their backs or hold their hands during

 Is life is not fair?

 Not looking away from happiness ... she is in your hands!

 Talk to them, makes one feel that much closer to others as their friendship deepens.

● to look at the bright side of life, and Dr. Koenig points to the laughter of the most important elements that bring happiness to one and one recommends Bala runs back to his problems with the need to search for entertaining moments and grasped.

● activate the brain, where it can be achieved through reading a book or listening to lectures and useful piece because anything that contributes to stimulate one's thinking would make it more self-satisfaction and happier.

● Be happy to Tok, where one can avoid clinging previous digest sorrows or those that might feel in the future, with the need to immediately begin the search for aspects that makes him feel happy.


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0 تصويتات / 124 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 1 مارس 2013 بواسطة NAIFIT

تصميم دائرة إشارة المرور مع الصور


دائره اشاره المرور باستخدام المتكامله CD4017 يمكن ان تستخدم هذه الدائره في اي تقاطق طريقين وهي تستخدم المتكامله CD4017 وهي بسيطه جدا ودائره عمليه وفعاله

الدائرة الالكترونية

عناصر الدائره :
IC LM555 
CD4017 IC 
3.9K R1 
68K R2 
360 R3 
1N4148 D1 
10uF/16V C1 
9V battery

شرح الدائره:

اولا الـ4Bit الاولي في العداد تضي بالضوء الاخضر لان العداد به 10 مخارج الـBit 

الثانيه تضي الضوء الاصفر اما الـ 5 Bit الاخيره تضي بالضوء الاحمر هكذا قمنا 

بتقسيم العداد نستخدم هنا الثنائي الذي يستخدم مثل ال OR Gate حيث يقوم 

بتكرار ال LED كالاتي:

.... LEDs: L1, L1, L1, L1, L2, L3, L3, L3, L3, L3, L2

وهكذا تعطي الاضاءه المطلوبه لكل ضوء من اضواء الاشاره .

الدائره الاخري هي لتوليد الـ clock pulse المطلوبه لتغذي الي طرف المتكامله CD4017 لتشغيل العداد .

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0 تصويتات / 466 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 28 فبراير 2013 بواسطة NAIFIT

موقع رواد التحكم الصناعي الالكتروني - تعز ( الحوبان )

الموقع يختص بالجوانب العلمية والعملية والثقافية 735306192 [email protected] ( مشرف الموقع نائف عباس ) »


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