د/ منتصر محمد عبدالله صالح / نهر النيل / عطبرة


n Geographic Information System is computer based tools that facilitate mapping and spatial analysis of earth’s features and events.

n Simply it is a table + its map.



n  GIS  enable you  display your information as maps, which is easy to read for everyone.

n  Reveal  hidden patterns in geographic data bases that is impossible to reveal using traditional statistical packages.


n  Vector  Data :

The unit block of this type of data is the points, connecting two points create a line , enclosing a line creates a polygon.

n  All GPS data is a vector data , when speaking about vector data we speak about precision.


n  Political  boundaries.

n  Streets.

n  Animal routes.

n  Grazing type.

n  cities. And towns( depending on scale , as points or polygons.)

n  Rivers (depending on scale , lines or polygons.)

Raster Data:

This is the type of data getting from satellite images, the unit block of this data is the pixel.

speaking about raster data is speaking about resolution .

n  Spatial resolution.

n  Spectral resolution.

n  Temporal resolution.

n  Radiometric resolution.


n  The raster model is best in representing fields “ continuous space”

n  Examples  are :

n  Elevations.

n  Slopes.

n  Ozone, or carbon dioxide concentration.

n  Temperature and rainfall.

n  Etc…

n  Those are the tables  containing the descriptive information for the spatial data.

n  So what you want to link to your location is possible .

n  It is better to hold it in dbf formats.

n  Boolean. (yes/no). E.g the presence or absence of a disease.

n  Nominal. (  identification)

n  Ordinal. (  low , med , high)

n  Interval.  E.g temperature  where subtraction make a meaning.

n  Scalar.

n  Suppose you are  registering a location of an animal farm   ,  what you are  going to register.

n  Personal data , owner name.

n  Number of animals .

n  Management strategies.

n  Hygienic  perspectives followed.

n  Vaccination.


n  Determine and illustrate change through time.

n  Index and retrieve material by spatial and temporal location.

n  Analyze and present spatial and temporal information. 

n  Mapping quantities and categories.

n  Mapping hot spots  and disease occurrences.

n  Mapping the risks.

n  GIS is useful in displaying hidden patterns of tables and DBs.

n  It allows you to create detailed and intelligent maps.

n  It allow you to integrate different geographic data to reveal trends and relationships.

n  Mapping things as they occur or even you can predict how they will occur.


منتصر محمد عبدالله

[email protected]

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نشرت فى 9 مارس 2012 بواسطة MuntasirMohamed

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