د/ منتصر محمد عبدالله صالح / نهر النيل / عطبرة




¨  Participation

¨   Participation is the empowerment of people to find solutions to their own development challenges. It is both an attitude and a philosophy that encourages learning, discovery and flexibility.

¨  Participatory Approaches



n Are founded on philosophy that empowering  beneficiaries to identify and over come the challenges they are facing the surest route to achieving sustainable development.

¨  Types of participation

¨  Passive

¨  Information-giving/  Manipulative

¨  Consultation

¨  Participation for material incentives

¨  Functional (cooperation)

¨  Interactive

¨  Self-mobilization

¨ Participatory Rural Appraisal

¨  Is a qualitative intelligence gathering approach designed to rabidly achieving a best -bet understanding of a situation as  a basis for an action plan.

 (implementing by multi disciplinary team of experts)  

¨  PRA…

•                   PRA methods provide a toolkits of techniques and activities that facilitate the exchange of information

¨ PRA Methods


•              Semi structured interviews, especially using probing questions..

•              Participatory mapping .

•              Time –line and oral history .

•              Proportional piling .

•              Ranking

•              scoring

¨  What is the  Epidemiology ?

¨  Epi = upon

¨  Demo = people

¨  Logo = discoursing


¨  The study which is upon people

¨  What is the  Epidemiology ?


q        The study of disease in population and  factors that determine its occurrence.

q    The study of frequency, distribution and determination of health and disease in population.




¨ Participatory Epidemiology

¨    Qualitative inquiry for further methodological development and promotion as an appropriate technique for the rapid , effective and economic collection of epidemiological information.              -( existing veterinary knowledge)

¨  An emerging field in epidemiology using participatory techniques to collect qualitative epidemiological intelligence contained within community observation and traditional oral history.

¨  PE/PDS principles

¨  Participation

¨  Attitude/behaviour

¨  Learning

¨  Discovery

¨  Flexibility

¨  Existing Knowledge

¨  Checklist

¨  Self critic

¨  Optimal ignorance



¨ PE Tools

¨  Secondary sources

¨  Direct observation

¨  Semi-structured interviews

¤ Checklists vs. questionnaires

¤ Open-ended questions

n Discovery

n Non-leading

¤ Probing

¨  Mapping

¨  Proportional piling

¨  Field diagnostics

¨  Laboratory support

¨  Applications of PE

¨   Needs Assessments

 -Priorities and entry points

¨   Participatory Epi Research

 -Basic epi studies

 -Disease modelling

 -Risk assessment

¨   Community-based Disease Reporting

¨   Participatory Disease Surveillance

¤  Case finding

¤  Disease freedom

¤  RP, FMD, PPR and HPAI

¨   Impact Assessment

¨   Strategy and Policy Reform

¨  Traditional knowledge

¨  Q: what do you understand by traditional knowledge?

(existing knowledge)



¨  Examples of practical local knowledge

o         Felata could come all the way from Tulus and Ersia to South Sudan and return to their areas

o         Masai suggested wildebeest was associated with Malignant catarrhal fever

o         Rich animal disease names in south Sudanese communities

o         Mundari/Dinka herder can recognise from a hoof or horn

o         Association of trypanosomiasis with colour of cattle



¨  Group work

¨  Think of three traditional animal health practices done in animals/poultry .

¨  Write each on a separate card.


¨  Discussion

¨  Q:  What are the local names for animal  diseases?



¨  Biases

¨  What is it?

¨  Participatory appraisal biases

¨     Spatial bias

¨     Project bias

¨     Personal bias

¨     Seasonal bias

¨     Diplomatic bias

¨     Professional bias


¨  How we dress appear.

¨  What we carry with us.

¨  How we travel (bearing the project logo).

¨  Our body posture and staying arrangement.

¨  Our behavior ( Calm, respectful, friendly, informal and not to be emotional).






¨  Introductions to Participatory Disease Searching (PDS)

¨  The application of participatory epidemiology (PE) to active surveillance programs


¨  Epidemiology       PE      PDS





¨  Team Composition

¨  Facilitator.

¨  Recorder.

¨  Observer.


¨  Participatory epidemiology tools/methods

Informal interviewing

Ranking and scoring


¨  Interview

¨  Interviewing Method


     Interviewing methods have been widely used during participatory surveys. Not only were they useful methods in their own right, but they were often considered to be an important component of other methods.



¨  Participatory disease mapping


¨  Participatory disease mapping

¨   Mapping can be used to gather spatial information on diseases.

¨   Maps are useful for the following reasons:

•                Literate and illiterate can use.

•                Large number of people can be involved when a large map is constructed on ground.

•                Easily explains information, which would be difficult to describe.


¨  ---


¨   Give the Participants the features to be drawn on the map, these Steps to follow during exercise should include,

¨   Geographical boundaries.

¨   Rivers wells other water sources.

¨   Seasonal livestock movement routes.

¨   Grazing areas.

¨   Livestock Market centre.

¨   Disease outbreak/problem areas.


¨  ---

¨  Names of areas/towns etc.

¨  Ask the informants to draw the map of the area by giving them reference points and possibly the boundaries of the area,

¨  Give map scale and direction.

¨  Then ask the participants to place objects to represent the above features on the map.

¨   Ask participants to represent disease outbreaks and areas with livestock problems on the map with daily objects.


¨  ---

¨  If started, and the participants are clear about the exercise Leave them to continue alone.

¨  After completion interview the map i.e. ask questions on some of the features that appeared on the map e.g. disease outbreaks what problems in the given grazing areas, markets etc.


¨  ---

¨  lf RP (target disease) was mentioned during the interview then do a Probe by asking more questions.

¨  Allow the participants to ask questions.

¨  After the facilitator and the participants are satisfied and clear about what is on the map, the facilitator should copy the map on a paper and give to the participants a copy.

¨  Simple Ranking 


¨  What is it?

¨  It is one of the PE/PDS tools that can be used to understand the relative importance of the diseases affecting the community and, through probing, to understand the impact of different diseases.



¨  Procedure

¨     The respondents are asked to mention the most common diseases in their area.


¨     Record the mentioned diseases in your note book.

¨  ---


¨  Then ask the respondents to rank the diseases in order of importance e. g. which is the most importance disease, which is the most next importance? etc. 


¨  ---

¨  Then ask probing questions to understand why they have been ranked in that order e. g. why did you ranked this disease first, why is this disease ranked above this disease? etc.




Seasonal calendars

¨  What is it?

    It is one of visualization technique to understand the respondent perception toward disease occurrence or incidence or increase in insects in relationship to seasonal variation within a year.


¨  Procedure

¨   You need to know how many season in a circle of a year.

¨  You need to know the names of season in their local language.

¨  Construct a one year time line.

¨  Have you question or objective clear before conducting seasonal calendar. Get object/s to represent the seasons and write it down in the local names.

¨  Put the items you need relate to season in local names or draw in hard card or put an object.

¨  Get key informant to help you to understand the local names of season and translation in case of language barrier.




¨  Identification of items to be scored.


¨  Pair-wise comparison of the named items.


¨  Scoring of diseases verses indicators.



¨ What is it?

¨  It is a PE/PDS tools that can be used to understand the impact of different diseases affecting the community in specific area. 

¨  Procedure

•                Ask the informants to choose the most important 5-6 cattle diseases.


¨  -

2.  A pile of 100 counters are

 given to the informants

and ask them to divide

the counters between

 the 5-6 diseases to

show how  important

each disease is.


¨  ---

3.  Probe to understand why a disease has been given more or less counters than the others.


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0 تصويتات / 153 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 9 مارس 2012 بواسطة MuntasirMohamed

ساحة النقاش

عدد زيارات الموقع
