موضوعات للمهتمين بصناعة الدواجن Topics for poultrymen( Breedrs, Smallholders, Resarchers, Students ) in poultry industry

Broiler Challenges


Leg Quality

Mineral Program

Amino Acid Optimization

Feed Cost Optimization

Pathogen Control

Gut Health

Feed Quality



Leg Quality

Leg and footpad problems are very common in fast growing poultry and can result in losses to bird performance and efficiency as well as negatively impacting animal welfare

Novus offers a number of nutritional solutions for poultry that, when combined with best management practices, result in birds with healthier bones, skin and internal organs. Employing a strategy to enhance leg quality and tissue integrity optimizes production, offering benefits on multiple levels.

ACTIVATE® | Optimize gut health to reduce incidence of diarrhea and wet litter.
CIBENZA™ | Enhance protein digestion to reduce nitrogen output.
ALIMET® and MHA® | Optimize amino acid formulation to minimize excess dietary protein.
MINTREX® | Support optimal development of skeleton and tissue.
Tissue Health Best Practice | Maintain clean, dry litter and a well-ventilated house.


Healthy birds have fewer problems that can result in downgrading or rejection and associated monetary loss experience.   Consumer consciousness of food safety continues to rise. Addressing these health issues in production assures people that they’re buying a product of the highest integrity.     As consumer awareness of animal welfare issues increases, the most successful, highly regarded producers will be those who maintain the healthiest birds.


Mineral Program

Proper mineral nutrition is a key component of effective poultry growth, performance and health. Poultry producers typically overfeed minerals to ensure that all nutritional requirements have been met

Feeding high-quality chelated trace minerals offers significant production advantages. Novus technology, helps deliver a superior level of nutrition that supports animal health, immunity and structure.

MINTREX® | Double the nutritional power of mineral sources with the HMTBa in MINTREX.

| Optimize zinc nutrition.

| Optimize manganese nutrition.

| Optimize copper nutrition.

| Optimize selenium nutrition.


Increased bioavailability of minerals not only increases performance, but also reduces mineral waste. Producers experience fewer instances of downgrading and culling resulting in greater profitability.

Environmentally compatible production methods present an image of responsibility and
accountability for individual producers and the industry as a whole.

Chelated trace mineral nutrition eliminates the need for overfeeding minerals to compensate
for lack of bioavailability. Fewer minerals fed means fewer minerals excreted, reducing
environmental concerns.

Amino Acid Optimization

Amino acid nutrition drives yield and efficiency in the animal and by optimizing the amino acids, the profitability of a poultry operation increases

End product requirements for poultry production keep changing, driving demand for higher meat yielding birds. Novus can help optimize diets for yield while balancing cost efficiency and increasing speed to market—ensuring maximum performance out of every feed ingredient purchased. 

IDEA™ | Know protein ingredients thoroughly before formulating.

® and MHA® | Optimize bioefficacy, allowing birds to fully utilize all amino acids added to the diet.

| Unlock underutilized amino acids in your ingredients.

Amino Acid Modeling
| Balance diet with least cost and best performance in mind.


Increasing production efficiency and getting more value out of ingredients, results in a healthier profit margin.

The industry accomplishes more with less, meeting the needs of sustainable production along with increasing consumer expectations for environmentally compatible practices from food providers.

Feed Cost Optimization

Ingredient costs on protein are currently high and energy costs are again expected to rise. Additionally, ingredients of questionable quality and digestibility are coming into

Novus offers solutions to help manage this single most important and costly input.
Our products allow for greater flexibility in formulation and increased control over feed inputs, which leads to greater productivity and profitability. 

CIBENZA™ DP 100 | Optimize protein digestion.

and CIBENZA DE200 | Optimize energy digestion.

| Optimize phosphorus digestion.

® | Protect the value of feed and its nutrients from degradation.


Formulations incorporate a wider variety of cost-effective proteins while maintaining performance levels associated with more expensive feed ingredients. Poultry operations increase margins by saving money on feed costs without losing production.

The industry accomplishes more with less, meeting the needs of sustainable production along with increasing consumer expectations for environmentally friendly practices from
food providers.


Pathogen Control

Pathogens sometimes present in poultry, specifically salmonella and campylobacter, are a major issue for the poultry industry. Failure in controlling these pathogens results in negative impacts

Controlling pathogens in the animal production environment represents more than a best practice for the poultry industry—it’s a requirement for long-term viability. With increasing regulatory and consumer focus on food safety, producers remain vigilant. Novus solutions, when combined with sound flock management, protect your current business investment as well as future returns.

ACTIVATE® | Help prevent feed from becoming an entry point for pathogens. Ensure the breeding flock is pathogen free to prevent vertical transmission.

Water Quality
| Maintain fresh water to eliminate another possible source of contamination.

Elimination of Pests, Rodents and Insects
| Maintain proper controls to ensure a pathogen-free house environment.

Human Biosecurity
| Dedicated clothing, tools and washing stations further reduce the risk of pathogen introduction.

| Monitor, test and treat flock on a regular basis.



Given the zero tolerance approach to food safety, lack of proper pathogen control leaves your operation open to catastrophic economic loss and even business failure.  Proactive measures are the surest way to manage risk and protect future profits.  

With awareness of food safety at an all-time high, consumers demand food production sources that have a reputation for being reliable providers of a quality product.

As food safety issues make headline news and erode consumer confidence, the most successful, highly regarded producers will be those who maintain the healthiest birds. A sound breeder program also helps alleviate environmental concerns through increased production efficiency.

Gut Health

Gut health management is increasingly critical for optimum poultry production, and failures in gut health management can result in damages to profitability and animal welfare

Good gut health builds a strong foundation for poultry performance. Novus offers solutions to support gut health through nutrition, ingredient management, stress mitigation and disease prevention. 

SANTOQUIN® | Manage gut level oxidative stress by stabilizing nutrients to support a healthy environment.

® | Create an environment that supports ideal microflora.

| Support thorough digestion and absorption of nutrients.

® | Support early nutrition to drive optimal gut development.

| Protect against damaging organisms as a part of a vaccination program.


Good gut health management optimizes production for greater profitability while managing increasing financial and regulatory pressures.


In addition to addressing consumer concerns about animal welfare, gut health management practices support disease prevention to produce a more desirable product.


Producers who maintain the healthiest birds will win the confidence and ultimately the

purchases of consumers focused on food safety. Maintaining optimal gut health also provides a good foundation for the entire chain of production.

Feed Quality

The physical form and quality of feed can be just as important as the nutritional content. Ensuring that feed is well made, stable, and free from toxins can contribute to animal performance

The form and quality of feed can affect production just as much as its nutritional content. Novus solutions can protect feed ingredients from contamination and spoilage while maintaining pellet quality and feed performance.  

SANTOQUIN® | Protect feed from oxidation to retain nutrient value.

| Add nutritional support to feed.

URF•ACE™ | Improve pellet quality and feed manufacturing efficiency.

| Keep feed mold-free.


Well-made, stable and toxin-free feed supports better performance. Optimization in the
mill can result in significant cost savings that translates into greater return on investment.

High quality feed results in a higher quality, more desirable product.

Production of high quality feed presents an image of responsibility and accountability for
individual producers and the industry as a whole.

Distillers Dried Grains

Distillers dried grains offer an inexpensive and readily available ingredient for poultry feed. Novus offers a number of nutrition solutions that further enhance the performance of diets based on this ethanol byproduct.

MINTREX® | Avoid mineral antagonism and improve absorption with a high quality mineral chelate.

® | Manage gut level oxidative stress by stabilizing nutrients to support a healthy environment.

| Unlock underutilized amino acids in feed ingredients.

| Know protein ingredients thoroughly before formulating.


Optimize production to squeeze every bit of performance out of one of the most cost-effective feed ingredients on the market, and enjoy greater profits as a result.

Environmentally compatible production methods present an image of responsibility and
accountability for individual operations and the industry.

Formulating with an ethanol byproduct that would otherwise go unused represents a responsible use of resources and also supports the practice of ethanol production.




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نشرت فى 28 مايو 2011 بواسطة Khairy4712

ساحة النقاش

khairy abd-El-Hameed

يحتوى الموقع على الأقسام المختلفة للدواجن وتشمل الدجاج-الرومى-الحمام- النعام -الطيور المائية. مع الاهتمام بالموضوعات ذات الأهمية فى الوقت الحاضر مثل موضوعات البيئة- المخلفات(الزرق والأمونيا....الخ) وتجد مجموعة من الكتب التى تغطى بعض الموضوعات المعاصرة وذات القيمة العملية وهذه فى صورة ملفات تحميل ولقد حرصت على اللغة الأنجليزية فى المرحلة التمهيدية وسنوالى »


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