عدد 68 مقال نشرت فى عام 2011
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الترتيب حسب
Hormonal Manipulation of Offspring Sex Ratio in White Leghorn Chickens
Chicken meat, a promising future ahead
Over the next decades the world’s population will undergo social and economic changes, which will notably influence the consumption and production of meat around the world.
Raising ducks is virtually foolproof provided they are kept warm, dry and well fed, ducklings almost rear themselves. Brooding For a few weeks after hatching, all young birds
Incubation; Brooders; & Brooding of Waterfowl
Whichever model of incubator you have available, it is vital to refer to the manufacturers instructions supplied with it. (replacements are available for almost all but the Hannaford
Major Viral Diseases of Waterfowl and Their Control
Duck hepatitis (DH) is a highly fatal, contagious and rapidly spreading disease of young ducklings from one to 28 days of age. So far, three different viruses, duck
Weighing the Benefits of Automation in the Hatchery
A common rationale for investing in hatchery automation has traditionally been to reduce labour costs or to overcome the challenge of recruiting for monotonous, relatively strenuous work
When avian influenza outbreaks occur in poultry, quarantine and depopulation (or culling) and surveillance around affected flocks is the preferred control and eradication option in most areas .However, it is
Incubation Can Affect Broiler Leg Strength
5 أغسطس 2011 / 395 مشاهدةLameness and leg weakness are considered a serious welfare problem. A plethora of lameness conditions in chickens exist. Bradshaw et al. (2002) summarised these into infectious
The Toulouse Goose is one of the larger goose breeds. In its exhibition or "dewlap" form, the Toulouse Goose may weight 25 pounds and have
Runner white drake A Blue Runner drake from the UK There are three varieties of Indian Runners, the Fawn and White, the White, and the Penciled. The breed has a
Old Khaki Campbell drake Khacampbell females Status: Minor. Though still not common, the Khaki Campbell is thought to be growing in
Bio-Security for Safe & Profitable Poultry Farming
Bio-security means doing everything you can to protect poultry from disease. As a poultry advisor or an owner, keeping your birds healthy is top priority Despite
khairy abd-El-Hameed
أقسام الموقع
- مقررانتاج بدارى التسمين 428
- مقرر تفريخ وحضانة
- دجاج التسمين Broilers
- أنواع الدواجن Poultry Breeds
- الانزيمات ومحفزات النمو PROBIOTICS&ENZYMES
- الاجهاد الحرارىHeat Stress
- Anatomy and physiology الفسيولوجى والتشريح
- البيئة والرعاية environmental and management
- الدجاج البياضLAYING HENS
- مقالات فنية techincal articales
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