عدد 37 تحميلات تحت قسم بحوث الري الحقلي
تصفح جميع التحميلات
Increasing crop water productivity by using the best scenarios of the cropping patterns under different agro-climatic zones
Effect of water stress and Nitrogen Fertilization levels on Maize Yield and water relations
Relationships between Nitrogen level, Yield and its components through some Irrigation Regimes for Maize
Row width and nitrogen levels impacts on water relations, growth and yield of Maize Crop
Effect of different sowing dates on some Wheat varieties yield and their water relations
Effect of different irrigation regimes on simulated Sugarcane production
Effect of different P sources and K levels on scheduling irrigation for a new introduced Sun Flower Genotype
Water footprint of Egyptian crops and its economics
Water budget, crop water productivity and economic return of land and water units for Egyptian crops
Effective management of On-Farm irrigation for some major crops in Egypt using CropWat model
Effect of water stress and nitrogen fertilization levels on Maize Yield and water relations
Simulation of Maize Yield under different sowing dates using CropSyst model
Effect of different irrigation regimes on simulated Potato Productivity and water needs
Scheduling irrigation of Cotton Crop under different nitrogen levels in Upper Egypt
Scheduling irrigation of the Wheat Crop in Upper Egypt under some planting dates