Fast Detection Method for the Causal Agent of Stripe Disease Seeds (Drechslera graminea)  in Barley

 M.A. AL-Hamdany

Citation: 2000. Iraqi J. Agric., 5(1): 53-57.


A new detection method for infected barley seeds with Drechslera graminea, the causal agent of barley stripe disease in 5 days was invented. Non surface-sterilized barley seeds were placed with dorsal side down on filter paper impregnated with sugar solution (25g/1L) with few drops of local vinegar inside glass-dishes and incubated at 20C. The uncovered dishes were placed under UV light to observe the pink-red color spot in the periphery zones of barley seeds as an indicator for D. graminea in the seeds. Results revealed the accuracy of this method throughout the expression of plant infections under greenhouse and field conditions.                                                                                             



Key Words: Barley leaf stripe, Drechslera graminea in barley seeds,



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