The activity of furfural to control the causal agent of wheat flag smut Urocystis agropyri. (Preuss.) Schrot.

 M.A. AL- Hamdany and H.N. AL-Noaimi

Citation: 1999. Iraqi J. Agric. 4(1):164-176


          A highly significant evidence of the fungicidal action of furfural on wheat flag smut (Urocystis agropyri Preuss) Schrot was observed. Soaking inoculated wheat kernels in furfural (1000-10000 ppm), caused significant reduction in disease incidence. The incidence was reduced from 85.3% to 13% when the inoculated kernels were soaked in 10000 ppm furfural for 5 minutes. However, similar results were also obtained when the inoculated seeds were thoroughly mixed with charcoal impregnated with furfural (5000-10000). The efficiency of furfural was demonstrated under favorable conditions for flag smut disease development.                                                                                         


Key Words: Furfural, Disease Control, Wheat flag smut, Urocystis agropyri


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