Role of Plant Cultivar in Biological Control of Damping-off in Cotton

Authors: F.R. Hameed, M.A. AL-Hamdany and F.A. Fattah

Citation: 2008, Journal of Babylon University/ Science, 16(1): 106-112.


          Probable occurrence of though to be a relationship between four isolates of Trichoderma spp. and cotton cultivars, along with utilization of peroxidase activity in Rhizoctonia infected cotton tissues as an evidence for host reaction were investigated. Results of disease control against Rhizoctonia solani in cotton seedlings by the isolates TV, T160, T194, and T211 with the biopesticide Tahadii demonstrated and confirmed a clear relationship between the isolates and the cultivars used. The first three isolates were the best biocontrol agents against R. solani in cultivars Cocker 310, Lashata, and Tamim 4959 respectively. However, the four isolates and the biopesticide Tahadi failed to reduce disease incidence on Ashor cultivar. Meantime , and in contrary to the similarity of disease incidence recorded on Tamim 4959 and Cocker 310 (50%), data of peroxidase activity in Rhizoctonia infected tissues indicated that the enzyme activity could reflex the host reaction better than that measured by disease incidence. The activity of enzyme in Tamim seedling tissues (591.5 enzyme unit/min/gm fresh tissues) was 2.8 folds than that observed in Cocker 310 (211.50).                                               

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