Preliminary test and the behavior of M5 and M6 of barley mutants to powdery mildew

 M.A. AL-Hamdany and F.A. Kadhem

 1987.  Iraqi J. Agric. Sci. (Zanco), 5(4): 183-190.


          Preliminary study was conducted to assay the behavior of M5 of Arivat mutants, A2/28, D/21, D/24, D/30, D/31, D/32, and D/34 along with M6 of Numar mutants SA/12, NA/20, OA/15, and VB/6 to powdery mildew. Latent period and infection type of the causal agent on individual mutant were measured using detached first leaves. Percentages of disease index under green house and field conditions were also calculated. Data of infection type and disease index revealed considerable varieties due to the source of the mutant. Using first leaf, SA/12 and OA/15 showed resistant reaction in comparison to the others. This reaction was shifted to a susceptible reaction at a mature stage. Meanwhile, most mutants induced from Arivat improved their resistance at mature stages inspite of susceptible reaction at first leaf stage. In general, some mutants namely NA/20, C/63, D/31, D/32, and D/34 might have field or adult plant resistance.                                                                                    


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