: Induced resistance in alfalfa against rust disease by gamma rays

 M.A. AL-Hamdany, M.M. Salih

 1986. J. Agric. Water Reso. Res., 4:29-37.


          A program was carried out aiming to induce new source of rust disease resistance in alfalfa. Dry seeds of local cultivar were treated with 0, 50, 100, and 150 krads of gamma rays at a dose rate of 45.0 rad/sec. The radiosensitivity of alfalfa was significantly affected by gamma doses. Resistant plants were selected during series of artificial inoculations on M2 and M3 progenies. Results  of screening procedure indicated that repeating the inoculation was very necessary to confirm highly resistant plants. All resistant plants selected after the fourth inoculation, proved their resistance at the last inoculation. In the field, all selected plants remained highly resistant to the disease and most of them showed considerable increment in number of tillers and in the fresh weight.           


Key words: Alfalfa, Induced mutation, rust, Uromyces striatu

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