Role of Chalara radicicola in Date Palm Trees Decline  Authors:  Al-Hamdany, M.A., H.Y.Jaber, A. H. Kadhem and J.A. Sabar.    .

Citation: 2011, Arab J. Pl. Protec, 29 (1):118-121.



     Eight isolates of Chalara (Chalaropsis) radicicola proved their pathogenicity on trunk tissues of date palm tree. Although, all the isolates degenerate the tissues and caused high percentages of loss in tissues weight, isolates CH1, CH6 and CH16 were more aggressive than the others. The tissues lost 52.00, 55.67 and 55.93 % respectively after 90 days of inoculation compared to15.43 in control tissues. Using culture filtrates (Ritchard broth medium) of these isolates on date palm seedlings indicated that, all the seedlings except those of control treatment showed wilt symptoms after five days and they were completely dead on day 7th. However, first symptom on inoculated seedlings was observed on seedling inoculated with, CH1, CH6, CH13, CH16, and CH17. Dwarfism symptoms were also observed on nonwillted seedlings of the other treatments.                                                                  

Key words: Date palm decline tree, Chalara radicicola, Chalaropsis radicicola


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