Resistance Induction in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by Trichoderma spp.

Authors: F. R. Hameed, F.A. Fattah and M.A. AL-Hamdany

Citation: 2010, Iraqi  J. Agriculture , 15(1): 48-55.




          Studies were carried out on seventeen isolates of Trichoderma spp.  TH,TV,T1,T2,T3,T8,T11,T160,T162,T191,T194,T195,T197,T201,T207,T211, and T212 aimed to detect some mechanisms of resistance induction in cotton throughout the activity of peroxidase enzyme in cotton seedlings of cultivar Coker 310 and the role of these mechanisms in suppressing of Rhizoctonia solani in cotton seedlings along with detection the ethylene produced from some Trichoderma isolates. Results of peroxidase activity indicated that isolates T211, TV, T160, T191, T11, T194 and T195 have a tendency to induce resistance in cotton seedlings which reflected in significant increase of peroxidase activity in cotton seedling tissues following seed treatments with dry preparations of these isolates. The results of Gas Chromatography of atmospheres of growth culture indicated that TV, T160, and T194 of Trichoderma spp. be able to produce ethylene while no ethylene was detected when T2 and T3 were used. However, contrary to T2 and T3, the isolates TV, T160, and T194 caused significant increase in peroxidase activity.



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