Efficacy of some isolates of Trichoderma as biocontrol agents and growth stimulators in cotton

Authors: M.A. AL-Hamdany, H.SH. Ketan and F.R. Hameed

Citation:  2004. Iraqi J. Agric, 9 (3): 93-99.


          Seeds of cotton mutant 73 were coated with dry preparations of seventeen isolates of Trichoderma spp. and two biopesticides Tahadii and Sumood using date syrup  as adhesive agent before sowing in a field naturally infested with wilt and root rot causing fungi. Results of preemergence damping-off indicated that isolate T195, T201, T1, T2, T8, T11, and TH were highly effective in disease control. Most of the isolates used, significantly increased the number of surviving cotton seedlings, and caused 47.36, 55.26, 39.47, 42.10, 34.21, 36.80, and 50.0% increments over the control treatment respectively. Trichoderma isolates T162, T191, T195, T210, T211, T212, T8, T11, TH and TV along with the biopesticide Sumood caused significant control of post-emergence damping-off. Meantime, the isolates T160 and T211 and the biopesticide Tahadi could be considered as growth stimulators to cotton plants. Those isolates were significantly increased the plant heights and the numbers of mature bolls in cotton mutant 73 after 90 and 138 days respectively         

Key Words: Cotton, Trichoderma spp. growth stimulation

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