: Identification of physiological races of Ustilago hordei covered smut of barley in Central Iraq.

Authors: M.A. AL-Hamdany, I.A. AL-Dulaimi, M.M.Salih, A.T. Amin, J.A.Sabar and N.R. Shuraida

                                                                       Citation: 1997. Iraqi J. Agric. 2(1): 88-97.


          Hand dehulled barley seeds of nineteen different genotypes with one naked genotype were artificially inoculated individually with teliospore of fifteen isolates of Ustilago hordei, the causal agent of barley covered smut to demonstrate if any the physiologic specialization in the causal agent. Infection type of host parasite interaction revealed the occurrence of seven physiologic races in U. hordei in central Iraq. Race Uh 21 is the most virulent one while race Uh 5 is the lowest. Regarding the host reaction, both two-row cultivar local black and clipper showed high reaction (Susceptible response) with all isolates or races used. Meanwhile, the naked six-row cultivar namely Aimer has been successfully resist the causal agent regardless its isolates or races at all. (No single smutted spike) and appears to be the resistance source for U. hordei in Iraq.                                                                                         


Key words: Barley, Ustilago hordei, Physiologic specialization 

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