organization art and literature policy_ مُؤَسّسَة قصي طارق للفن والادب السياسي


Based on all that you could bear Iraq, all of these events and the huge number of displaced people? And .. on June 10 fell almost the entire province of Nineveh in the hands of the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, and within 24 hours, half a million people emigrated from the city. Then later gave the organization a deadline for Christians until July 19 to leave the province or pay tribute or convert to Islam followed by the largest migration of its kind for the Christians in the Middle East since the First World War. The city of Mosul has become free of Christians for the first time in its history. Later old church was burned in 1836 years ago by the organization of the Islamic state.

Return migration of the Christians of Iraq to the beginning of the twentieth century because of the massacre Smeal in northern Iraq, which called for tens of thousands to flee to Syria, and returned the migration phenomenon influenced by economic factors and social, especially after the siege of Iraq and the Second Gulf War, but the pace has accelerated the wake of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the accompanying proliferation of organizations extreme. There have been a number of assassinations of Christians indiscriminately. For example, with the beginning of the fast of the Virgin on August 1 / August 2004, five churches have been bombed together, Series of church bombings did not stop but continued and evolved so included shops selling alcoholic beverages, music and fashion, as well as the experienced Christian women to the threat unless they cover their heads in the Islamic manner, .. since the start of the Iraq war in 2003, and because of armed militias and terrorist organizations that have sprung up in the country and targeting Christians, worsening the humanitarian situation in Iraq dramatically so that the Commission and the International Red Cross called in March 2008 that the humanitarian situation worst in the world. Within this framework deteriorated also the situation of Christians dramatically, where The report published by the BBC Arabic that nearly half of Iraqi Christians and the estimated 800 thousand people have fled abroad because of the violence, where he was subjected some of them to the events of criminal Kalkhtaf, torture and murder, and repeated in particular incidents of abduction and murder of Christian clergy, as happened in 2005 when he signed Paul Alexander a pastors Syriac Orthodox Church, however, an armed group in one of the streets of Mosul, and the kidnappers demanded a timely ransom paid by their family pastor, but the body of the latter found after a period of lying in the street headless and the parties, and a few days after the abduction of the latter announced the death of a Protestant pastor Munther old monastery 69 years. On June 3, 2007 shows a Chaldean priest called well-off but came under fire from unknown assailants killed the effect with three deacons after they came out of the church in the city of Mosul. The BBC report that the targeting of Christian priests due to several reasons, including: the motive of religious extremists who want to evacuate Iraq from elements of the non-Muslim, and also motivated financial work Accordingly criminal gangs in the use of religion as a pretext in the kidnapping of the clergy and the demand large ransoms for their release , taking advantage of the good financial situation enjoyed by the Christian community of Iraq, and the Christians do not enjoy Knzeraúhm Iraqi Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, tribal ties and wide or armed militias provide them with protection and security.
In the age of 31 October 2010 gunmen stormed the Organization of the Islamic State of Iraq to al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the Church of Our Lady of Deliverance Syriac Catholic Church in Baghdad's Karrada performance during the Mass ceremony. The incident ended with the militants blew themselves, killing and wounding hundreds of people who were inside the church
Christianity is the second largest religions in Iraq in terms of the number of followers of Islam after by the Iraqi constitution, which recognizes the fourteen Christian community in Iraq. Them several denominations and speak Arabic and Syriac and Armenian. The largest church in the Middle East, in Iraq, a pure church. And the largest church in Iraq are the Chaldean Catholic Church, followed by the Assyrian Church of the East, which transfer position from Mosul to Chicago after the massacre Smeal in 1933 in addition to the presence of the Syriac Orthodox Church, Syriac Catholic and there are other minorities follow the Melkite, Armenians and Protestants in Iraq. Has been the migration of Assyrians / Chaldeans to the Americas since the eighties of the nineteenth century because of economic conditions, as religious discrimination led to accelerate the migration. The immigrants began from rural areas in the Nineveh Plain in the migration to industrial cities in the United States. The number of Alachuren in the United States more than a thousand. Many emigrated from the Assyrians and Chaldeans of Iraq during the sixties and seventies and in the period of the economic embargo on Iraq
And there are a number of Christian political parties in the Iraqi parliament each of the Assyrian Democratic Movement has three seats and the Popular Council of Chaldean Syriac Assyrian seats.
Christianity is the second largest religions in Iraq in terms of the number of followers of Islam after by the Iraqi constitution, which recognizes the fourteen Christian community in Iraq. Them several denominations and speak Arabic and Syriac and Armenian. The largest church in the Middle East, in Iraq, a pure church. And the largest church in Iraq are the Chaldean Catholic Church, followed by the Assyrian Church of the East, which transfer position from Mosul to Chicago after the massacre Smeal in 1933 in addition to the presence of the Syriac Orthodox Church, Syriac Catholic and there are other minorities follow the Melkite, Armenians and Protestants in Iraq. Has been the migration of Assyrians / Chaldeans to the Americas since the eighties of the nineteenth century because of economic conditions, as religious discrimination led to accelerate the migration. The immigrants began from rural areas in the Nineveh Plain in the migration to industrial cities in the United States. The number of Alachuren in the United States more than a thousand. Many emigrated from the Assyrians and Chaldeans of Iraq during the sixties and seventies and in the period of the economic embargo on Iraq
And there are a number of Christian political parties in the Iraqi parliament each of the Assyrian Democratic Movement has three seats and the Popular Council of Chaldean Syriac Assyrian seats.



QUSAY TARIQ ART ORGANIZATION organization art and literature policy_ مُؤَسّسَة قصي طارق للفن والادب السياسي http://i.imgur.com/x4gSBqC.jpg

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