Fill in the spaces with the following words:
Prospect-ritual-slogan-dedicated-unsettled-horizon- submerged-civilisation- scriptures- absolute-revival- association-snapshot.
<!--Most of the hostility that we face towards our ------------------------could be understood as a kind of jealousy.
<!--The book examines the…………………. Of childbirth from different parts of the world to find the common practices.
<!--Egyptians aspire to see an economic…………………….after a period of inflation.
<!--People have become unconscious as they have been ---------------in water for five hours.
<!--The National …………………….of football negotiates the rights of the governmental channels to present the games.
<!--Like millions of women she has learned that work outside home has expanded her……………………….
<!--As a ……………………person, she stays most of the hours getting information about her work.
<!--He occasionally takes……………………… with his simple camera.
<!--Ahmed led an………………….. life drifting from one place to place and from job to job.
<!--There is a great ………………….. that the current stability in the social situation of the Egyptian life will remain for a long time.
<!--They have come up with a new advertising …………………to increase the sale of the product.
<!--In many of the articles, they have come with statements from the …………………. To impress the people.
Units 4-7
Ecstatic- record-breaking-solo-financiers-non-stop-absolute-attempt-descent-fatigue-recapture-acceleration-gust of wind-fractured-somersaulted-disintegrated-combat-compulsory- residential-sophisticated-attractions-launch base-showcase-exhibit-memorial-moccasins-assortment-stranded-harpoon-
<!--This play will appeal to the ……………………. Audience.
<!--The government denies that there is …………………………… in the rate of inflation.
<!--A number of scientists stand at the ………………………… to watch the sending of the shuttle.
<!--All young men have to do two years of ………………………military service.
<!--The children were very………………………. When their father brought them a new video game.
<!--He prefers to rent a flat in a………………. area away from industrial places.
<!--…………………… is a flat shoe made of leather.
<!--The new musical is a good …………………… for her talents.
<!--Driving in stressful conditions could lead to muscle…………………..
<!-- He crashed into the table, ……………… and landed on the carpet.
<!--Indeed their growth occurred without any help from any ……………. In our country.
<!--The x-ray showed that she had several…………………..bones in the spine.
<!--On the floor, there was an ……………………..of boxes and packages.
<!--He was killed in an unarmed…………………..
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