This topic is so crucial to me . i will do my best to benefit you through my modest way of thinking, hoping that it could b a start to think about "you" and to find your worth which surly would pave the way to a balanced way of life that could make out of you a happy person, integrating you positive experiences and making it work for your whole . what makes me so curious to tackle such a topic is that my firm belief that many of our problems mainly originated from the idea of not realizing your worth. Let's together support each other without feeling shy and creep into ourselves trying to assess how we see our inner. It's no way important to realize your value and to gain self-confidence. we have two types of personalities: victim one and creative one Let's identify both to know how we really can discover our potentials and change ourselves.It's us who determine what we are but this needs a strong willing and positive attitude. Creative character doesn't depend on the evaluation ot others. It realizes abilities and plans for a mature course of action. When you think and speak about "you" positively, the mind responds to these positive thoughts and this is reflected upon your behaviour. if you constantly compare yourself to other's abilities, you underestimate yourself and you turn to be a victim character. Successful peple in their life are those who believe in uniqueness in each person. They focus on the positive traits in them which could lead to a prosperous life. On the contrary, victim type is trapped in negative feelings,waiting for others to assess them. They might suffer from stress. The don't have the courage to try new things . They feel terrified when they face problems in work and they prefer to stay away from people. During the journey of discovering our character, we should be courageous enough to admit our weakness.Creating high self-esteem is not far-fetched thing.You just need to understand simple steps.For example, if you are applying for a certain job in a big company and you think while you are in the place that you are little to that company , you won't get the job . on the other hand, if you convince yourself that you can get the job easily and your abilities are higher than the place itself. Therefore, you are totally responsible for your future.Moreover, if you could sound some positive statements about your abilites like repeating that you are unique and worthy of attention. i n this way you allow your mind to work collectively witth your emotions and to your surprise you can find yourself in the utmost of your spirit. By realizing your points of strenght,you have paved the way towards creating high self _esteem.
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