موقع الدكتور: مـحـمـد الـشـعـراوى الشـال

الدراسات العليا، كلية الخدمة الإجتماعية، جامعة حلوان.


Definition of Group Work

Goal-directed activity with small treatment and task groups aimed at meeting socioemotional needs and accomplishing tasks. This activity is directed to individual members of a group and to the group as a whole within the system of service delivery.

... (see Textbooks, Toseland and Rivas 2009, p. 12)


Purposes of Goal-directed Activites

Goal-directed activity has many purposes. For example, group workers aim to support or educate members, help them socialize and achieve personal growth, or provide treatment for their problems and concerns.


Definition of a Small Group

Two or more individuals interacting with each other, each aware of his or her membership in the group, each aware of the others who belong to the group, and each aware of their interdependence as they strive to achieve mutual goals.


Implication of the term "Small Group"

Implies the ability of members to identify themselves as members, to engage in interaction, and to exchange thoughts and feelings among themselves through verbal, nonverbal, and written communication processes.


Formed Groups

Those that come together through some outside influence or intervention. Some examples of formed groups are therapy groups, educational groups, committees, social action groups, and teams.


Natural Groups

Natural groups come together spontaneously on the basis of naturally occurring events, interpersonal attraction, or the mutually perceived needs of members. Some examples of natural groups are family groups, peer groups, friendship networks, street gangs, and cliques.


Definition of Purpose

The term purpose can be defined as the general aims of a group. A group's purpose identifies the reasons for bringing members together. Purposes guide group composition. It also helps guide the group's selection of goal-directed activities and define the broad parameters of the services to be delivered.


Treatment Groups

The term treatment group is used to signify a group whose major purpose is to meet members' socioemotional needs. The purpose of forming treatment groups might include meeting members' needs for support, education, therapy, growth, and socialization.


Primary Purposes of Treatment Groups

(1) support, (2) education, (3) growth, (4) therapy, (5) socialization, and (6) self-help.


Group Work Purposes

Rehabilitation; habilitation; correction; socialization; prevention; social action; problem solving; and developing social values.


Support Groups

Support groups can be distinguished from other groups using supportive intervention strategies by their primary goals. These goals are: to foster mutual aid, to help members cope with stressful life events, and to revitalize and enhance members' coping abilities so they can effectively adapt to and cope with future stressful life events.


Educational Groups

The primary purpose of educational groups is to help members learn new information and skills. Educational groups are used in a variety of settings, including treatment agencies, schools, nursing homes, correctional institutions, and hospitals. All educational groups are aimed at increasing members' information or skills.


Growth Groups

Growth-oreinted groups offer opportunities for members to become aware of, expand, and change their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding themselves and others. The group is used as a vehicle to develop members' capabilities to the fullest. Growth groups focus on promoting socioemotional health rather than remediating socioemotional illness. Growth groups provide a supportive atmosphere in which individuals can gain insights, experiment with new behaviors, get feedback, and grow as human beings.


Therapy Groups

Therapy groups can help members change their behavior, cope with and ameliorate personal problems, or rehabilitate themselves after physical, psychological, or social trauma. Therapy groups are distinguished from support groups by their focus on remediation and rehabilitation. Members of a therapy group have much to gain: relief of symptoms, loss of emotional pain, or resolution of a problem.


Socialization Groups

Socialization groups help members learn social skills and socially accepted behavior patterns so they can function effectively in the community. Socialization groups frequently use program activities such as games, role play, or outings to help members accomplish individual goals. There are three common forms of socialization groups: (1) social skills groups, (2) governance groups, and (3) recreation groups.


Self-Help Groups

The distinguishing character of self-help groups is that they are led by members who share the problem experience by the other members of the group. Most self-help groups are characterized by an open membership policy meaning anyone can attend a group meeting who shares the problem or concern being addressed. The focus of self-help groups is on members helping members. Members are seen as equals who share similar problems and concerns.


Task Groups

The term task group is used to signify any group which the overriding purpose is to accomplish a goal that is neither intrinsically nor immediately linked to the needs of the members of the group. The primary purpose of a task group is to accomplish a goal that will affect a broader constituency, not just the members of the group.


Primary Purposes of Task Groups

(1) meeting clients needs, (2) meeting organizational needs, and (3) meeting community needs. Task groups with the primary purpose of meeting the clients needs include teams, treatment conferences, and staff-development groups. Task groups with the primary purpose of serving organizational needs include committees, cabinets, and board of directors. Task group with the primary purpose of serving community needs include social action groups, coalitions, and delegate councils.

Three Core Activities of an Effective Group

(1) The group needs to be able to accomplish its goal, (2) the group aims to maintain itself internally, and (3) the group develops and changes in ways that it may improve its effectiveness.


Definition of Empowerment

The process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals, families, and communities can take action to improve their situations. Implies exercising psychological control over personal affairs, as well as exerting influence over the course of events in the sociopolitical arena.


Definition of Content

Is "what" happens.


Definition of Process

Is "how" it happens.



المصدر: https://quizlet.com

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الموقع الرسمى للباحث : مـحـمـد الـشـــعـراوى الدراسات العليا ، كلية الخدمة الإجتماعية ، جامعة حلوان »


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