Aquatic Plants for the wastewater Treatment


Alka Rani Upadhyay


      Environmentalism in 1980s was characterized by a conscious shift from enthusiastic rhetoric to development of alternative ways to solve environmental problems associated with local, regional, and global issues, such as industrial waste, acid precipitation, global warming, ozone depletion and human population. People and institutions began puffing more energy and resources into solving environmental problems. These approaches to the environment in the 1970s and 1980s saw many advances as well as many failures. I believe many failures resulted from a basic lack of understanding about the environment and how natural ecological systems function.

            In recent years our understanding of many aspects of the environment has increased greatly. Degradation of our surface water and ground water resources is a serious problem, the effects of which may not be fully know for some time. There are a number of steps we can take to treat water and to minimize pollution. Nutrients released by human activity lead to water pollution. Two important nutrients that can cause eutrophication and pollution problems of water are phosphorus and nitrogen, both of which are released from a variety of sources.

            The dairy industry of India has grown from an almost completely unorganized into a vastly complex organized industry of a large magnitude during the last forty years. India today ranks first among milk producing countries. Dairy industry is noted as a significant contributor to pollution the wastes are characterized by a relatively high organic concentration, high oxygen demand, nitrogen and phosphorus.

            Since long, many chemical and mechanical methods were being employed to treat such polluted waters,  that proved to be cost effective and time taking. Recently, biological treatment of water bodies is gaining attention of the environmentalists. That initiated me to undertake a detailed investigation of the dairy industry regarding processing, waste water generation, evaluation of conventional treatment plant (Primary and secondary treatment), and to develop effective and economic biological methodology for waste water treatment. During present investigation efficiency of  five aquatic macrophytes have been tested in individual as well as in different combinations besides the quality of raw and treated waste water.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Review of Literature

Chapter 3: Dairy Industry and Study Site

Chapter 4: Material and Methods

Chapter 5: Physico -chemical Properties of Dairy Waste water

Chapter 6: Waste water Treatment by Aquatic Macrophytes

Chapter 7: General Discussion

Chapter 8: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

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  Prep. / Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud

المصدر: Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2016

ساحة النقاش

مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

عنوان الهيئة: القطعة رقم (210) بالقطاع الثانى-حى مركز المدينة-التجمع الخامس-القاهرة الجديدة- Email: [email protected] »


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