R.F /620.8 

Fish Biotechnology


Dr. M.M. Ranga
Dr. (Ms) Q.J. Shammi


Fishes are cold blooded vertebrates which breathe by means of pharyngeal gills, propelling and balancing themselves by means of fins.

Biotechnology is the third wave in biological sciences and represents such an interface of basic and applied sciences, where gradual and subtle transformation of science into technology can be witnessed. Biotechnology helps in increasing understanding of biology at the cellular and molecular level. The technique includes recombinant DNA manipulations, monoclonal antibody preparation, tissue culture, protoplast fusion, protein engineering, immobilized enzyme, cell catalysis, sensing with the aid of biological molecules, etc. Genetic engineering is a powerful tool for modern fisheries. The important genetic engineering techniques are sterilization of fish gametes by gene and hormones manipulation, androgenesis and gynogenesis, artificial hybridization, cryopreservation of milt (fish sperm).

Biotechnology have been exploited well in fisheries development using fish genetic potentials. Genetic up gradation work in India had its beginning in late 1950´s with simple inter- specific and inter generic hybridization soon after the success of induced breeding of fresh water carps through pituitary hormones. This advancement has emerged as blue revolution.

Although aquaculture clearly has the potential for increasing worldwide fish production, innovative strategies are needed to improve efficiency. The genetically improved strain is reported to grow 60-70% faster than the locally farmed strain, etc.

India needs to frame important strategies for aquaculture development through biotechnology, which will offer new opportunities for increased fish productivity and such strategy should be developed with full spectrum of activities. This book is an attempt in this direction.


  • Fish, Fisheries and Biotechnology.
  • Animal Cell and Tissue Culture.
  • Fish Genetics and Development of Transgenic Fishes.
  • Enzymes in Genetic Engineering (Nucleic Acid Enzymology).
  • Fish Genomics: Trends and Prospects.
  • Gene Cloning Vectors.
  • Techniques for Genetic Engineering.
  • Gene Cloning.
  • Cryopreservation in Fishes.
  • Techniques and Genetic Requirements for Transgenic fish Production.
  • Applications of Transgenic fishes and Biotechnology.
  • Biotechnology in Health Management for Aquaculture.

Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed
REV/ Mahmud Maher
Manage/ Zeinab Osman

المصدر: Agrobios (India).

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مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

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