A Diagnostic Manual of Eel Diseases Occurring
Under Culture Conditions in Japan


William L. Rickards.

North Carolina State University

Translated from the Japanese by Fumiko Gregg


The university of North Carolina sea grant college program has conducted a demonstration eel culture program near Bern, North Carolina since 1975. During the first year of operation, diseases resulted in complete loss of the young eels being cultured. At that time, it became painfully evident that the available information concerning Parasites and diseases of the Amrican eel (Anguilla rostrata) was extremely limited and of little use to eel farmers because it's Technical nature and narrow scope. Therefore, one of the project's objectives became the compilation of literature relating to diseases of all freshwater eels since it is likely that the disease problems encountered in the American eel will involve species of the same genera that infect eels in Europe or Japan. In fact, some of the same species may be involved world-wide.

The eel disease literature search revealed that the Japanese fisheries Agency had produced that the fish disease Diagnosis Guide I., authored by shuzo Egusa and Akio honma in 1974. One sectin of this guide contains information on disease diagnosis and treat ment for eels, primarily Anguilla Japonica, cultured in Japan. Since this information is relevant to culturing the American eel, the North Carolina state university Eel culture project decided to fund the translation of the eel section and to have the color photographs reproduced. The translation was completed by fumiko Gregg, and permission to print the materials was granted by the Japanese fisheries Agency. Because of restrictions imposed by the copyright owner, distribution of this book is Limited to the United States. Also, because the original negatives of the color photographs were not made available, it was necessary to copy the figures directly from the Japanese book. Thus, while some of the color work is not as clear as hoped and there is a faint pinkish banding effect on some figures, the essence of the material should be of value to both researchers and private individuals working with the American eel.

A few other comments regarding this translated material are also necessary. The text contains some suggested antibiotics and chemicals for treatment of particular diseases. The reader should bear in mind trhat some of these chemicals have not received clearance from governmental agencies for use on fish being reared for sale as human food. Before any chemical is used, the legality of such an application should be determined so that the crop will not face possible seizure for being contaminated.

Table of contents:

Bacterial Diseases

Fungal diseases

Protozoan diseases

Trematode parasites   

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Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed
REV/ Mahmud Maher
Manage/ Zeinab Osman

المصدر: Sea Grand Publication

ساحة النقاش

مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

عنوان الهيئة: القطعة رقم (210) بالقطاع الثانى-حى مركز المدينة-التجمع الخامس-القاهرة الجديدة- Email: [email protected] »


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