Statistical Bulletin

Vol. 37 (1950 – 2006) July 2008

International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas̎̎̎ "ICCAT


Table of Contents

Section 1:  Geographic boundaries of the stocks and summary of ICCAT codes

  •  Stock boundaries
  • Summary of ICCAT codes

Section 2:  Tables of catch statistics (1950 – 2006) Total catches of tunas (Atlantic + Mediterranean)

  •  Total catches of tunas (Atlantic)
  •  Total catches of tunas (Mediterranean)
  •  Total catches of tunas (Atlantic + Mediterranean) for major species
  • Total catches of tunas (Atlantic + Mediterranean) by species, flag and year
  •  Total catches of sharks for the major species

Section 3:  Graphical presentation of historical catches of the major tuna and tuna-like species

  • Total cumulative catches by area for the 9 major species
  • Total catches by gear group
  • Total detailed catches by area for the major species
  • Total longline catches for the major species
  • Total baitboat for the major target species
  • Total purse seine catches for the major target species
  •   Total billfish catch by longliners and other gear
  • Total catches by areas and gear groups
  • Total catches by major species

Section 4:  Geographical distribution of historical catches of the major tuna and tuna-like species by decade, gear group

  •  Geographical distribution of albacore catches (ALB, Thunnus alalunga)
  •  Geographical distribution of bluefin catches (BFT, Thunnus thynnus)
  • Geographical distribution of bigeye catches (BET, Thunnus obesus)
  •  Geographical distribution of skipjack catches (SKJ, katsuwonus pelamis)
  • Geographical distribution of yellowfin catches (YFT, Thunnus albacores) 
  •  Geographical distribution of blue marlin catches (BUM, Makaria nigricans)
  •  Geographical distribution of sailfish catches (SAI, Istiophorus albicans)  
  •   Geographical distribution of white marlin catches (WHM, Tetrapturus albidus)
  • Geographical distribution of swordfish catches (SWO, Xiphias gladius)

Section 5:  Summary of tag releases and recoveries

  • Total releases and recoveries of major tunas

Section 6:  Table of fishing vessels by size, fleet and year (1950 – 2006)

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Prep. /Ayman Ashry

Rev. /Asmaa Ahmed
Manage/ Zienab Osman 

المصدر: Corazon de maria - spain

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