Handbook of Techniques in Microbiology


A.S Karwa – M.K. Rai & H.B. Singh


Chapter 1: Techniques in Microscopy

Chapter2: Techniques of Sterilization

Chapter3: Culture Medium

Chapter4: Control of Microorganisms

Chapter5: Growing Microorganisms

Chapter6: Techniques of Isolation

Chapter7: Maintenance of Culture

Chapter8: Estimation of Micro-organisms

Chapter9: Techniques of Microbial Staining

Chapter10: Techniques of Cultivation of Bacteria

Chapter11: Techniques of Cultivation of Fungi

Chapter12: Techniques of Cultivation of Actinomycetes

Chapter13: Study of Microbial Growth

Chapter14: Effects of Environmental Factors

***For more Please Visit the Library ***

Prep. / Ayman Ashry

Rev. / Asmaa Ahmed

Manage. / Huda Hosny

المصدر: Scientific Publishers (India)

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مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

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