636.08926 / L.G

Studies in the Agricultural and Food Sciences

Growth in Animals


T.L.J. Lawrence


  1.  Definitions of Growth
  2. The Biochemical and Genetical Determinants of Selection for Growth
  3. The Hormonal Control of Growth at Puberty
  4. Growth and the Thermal Environment
  5. Interrelationships between Immunity and Growth
  6.  Bone Growth and Modelling
  7. Growth Curves in Muscle Nucleic Acid and Protein: Problems of Interpretation at the Level of the Muscle Cell
  8.  Fundamental Aspects of Adipose Tissue Growth
  9.  The Gut Microflora and Growth
  10. Mechanisms of Action of Growth-Promoting Agents in Ruminant Animals
  11. Mechanisms of Growth Promoters in Single-stomach Animals
  12. Growth and Breeding Performance in Animals and Birds
  13. Growth in Animals for Meat Production
  14. Growth in Birds for Meat Production
  15. Growth in Fishes
  16. Growth and Meat Quality in Animals

Prep. / Ayman Ashry

Manage. / Huda Hosny

المصدر: Butterworth & Co (Publishers) London

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مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

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