
Biology the essential principles


Tom M .Graham


Chapter 1: An Introduction to Biology

Chapter2: Some Basic Chemical Principles

Chapter3: Life: The Essential Materials

Chapter4: Energy and Life

Chapter5: Cells and Cellular Activity

Chapter 6: The Essential Processes: Photosynthesis, Glycolysis, and Cellular Respiration  

Chapter 7: Dividing Cells: Mitosis and Meiosis

Chapter 8: The Basis of Heredity

Chapter 9: Viruses: Kingdoms Monera, Protista, and Fungi 

Chapter10: Biology of Plants

Chapter11: Biology of Animals

Chapter12: General Ecology

Chapter13: Origins and Evolution

Chapter14:TheNervous System

Chapter15: Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles

Chapter16: Respiration

Chapter17: Circulation and Immunity

Chapter18: Digestion and Excretion

Chapter19: The Endocrine System

Chapter20: Reproduction

Chapter21: Development

Chapter22: Animals Behavior

Prep. / Asmaa Ahmed

Manage. / Huda Hosny

المصدر: Saunders College Publishing

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مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

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