551.46 / V.I



Early exploration and ideas

One geological and astronomical backgrounds

The geometry of the oceans -The age of the oceans

The origins of sea water - Stability of the ocean basins

Fluctuations of sea level- Rigidity of the earth

Figure of earth - Motions of the earth

Tides and other waves

The differential force of attraction -The equilibrium tide

The pendulum day -Particle motions in simple waves

The Kelvin wave - Embayment tides -Prediction of the real tide

The tide bore-the tsunami -The tsunami - Wave concepts

Nontidal waves - Refraction -Diffraction - Internal waves

Fluid mechanics

Pressure- Continuity -The coriolis force- Inertial space

Pressure gradient forces- Equation of motion - Euler's expansion

The steady state- Geotropic motion -Margule's equation

Meander motion-Cyclostrophic motion vorticity

Frictional effects - Ekman sprial –the vorticity equation

Characteristics of sea water

Density - Salinity -Temperature-salinity diagram

Adiabatic affects - Stratification -Heat capacity

Penetration of visible light

Advective processes

Energy units- Insolation -Greenhouse effect- Heat distribution

Heat transport- Structure of the atmosphere the planetary win field  

The wind-driven circulation -coupling

Ekman model of the barotropic ocean circulation

Iselin’s concept of the north atlantic circulation

Torque of the surface winds

Vorticity theory of the wind-driven circulation

The observed circulation - Equatorial currents

Convective processes

Ocean climates /heat budget of the oceans

Flux of sensible heat /oceanic radiation

Evaporation /conditioning of surface water

Climatic overturning /thermohaline motions

Current measurements by direct methods

Units of measurement /eulerian methods

Lagrangian methods /position /synoptic charts

Current measurements by indirect methods

The geostrophic methods

The electromagnetic methods

Physical principles -instrumentation

Combined uses of electromagnetic and geostrophic methods


Laboratory models

Similarity and characteristic number

Models of small inshore areas

Models of intermediate size areas

Models of oceans -voracity modeling

The gulf stream problem

Geography of the Gulf Stream system

Superficial appearances -Origins of gulf system water

Main thermocline layer /structure of the current

Seasonal changes /synoptic oceanography

Multiple currents /rapid changes in the gulf stream

Tidal modulation of flow rates - A note on methods 

Prep./Asmaa Ahmed
Manage./Huda Hosney

المصدر: addison-wesley publishing company

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مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

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