Invertebrate Animals of freshwater
Victor Smith and Michael Quigley
Insect groups (phylum Uniramia)
Stonefly nymphs (order Plecoptera)
Mayfly nymphs (order Ephemeroptera)
Water bugs (order Hemiptera / Heteroptera)
Adult water beetles (order Coleoptera)
A key to the families of freshwater fly larvae (order Diptera)
Non-insect groups
Spiders and mites (phylum Chelicerata)
Freshwater crustaceans (phylum Crustacea)
Freshwater mussels (phylum Mollusca; class Bivalvia)
Common British freshwater snails and limpets (phylum Mollusca; class Gastropoda)
A key to the more common British freshwater leeches (phylum Annelida; class Hirudinea)
British freshwater flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes)
Aquatic worms
Prep./ Khaled Shrief
Manage./ Huda Hosney
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