Fish Anatomy Physiology and Fish Microbiology


Hubert Bartlett


Fish anatomy is the study of the form or morphology of fish. It can be contrasted with fish physiology, which is the study of how the component parts of fish function together in the living fish. In practice, fish anatomy and fish physiology complement each other, the former dealing with the structure of a fish, its organs or component parts and how they are put together, such as might observed on the dissecting table or under the microscope, and the latter dealing with how those components function together in living fish.

Fish physiology is the scientific study of how the component parts of fish function together in the living fish. It can be contrasted with fish anatomy, and physiology component each other, the former dealing with the structure of a fish, its organs or component parts and how they are put together, such as might be observer on the dissecting table or under the microscope, and the later with how those components function together in the living fish. For this, at the first we need to know about their intestinal morphology.

Fish/aquatic food contain a variety of microorganisms from different sources. These contaminants in food cause problems of spoilage and health risk to consumers. Fish are not sterile and the microflora includes natural flora of the waters from which fish are harvested and acquired transient flora from environment especially during handling, processing, storage etc. Inner tissue of healthy fish is sterile and microorganisms are mainly associated with outer slime, gills and intestine. Microbial load is higher in intestine followed by gills and skin. Natural microflora of fish varies depending on the habitat of fish, its feeding habit and life history stages. 

Generally fresh water fish have more mesophilic bacteria than cold water fish. The air, soil, water / ice used for washing, food handlers, packaging material and storage environment. Fish harvested from polluted water contain variety of microorganisms depending on nature of pollutant, and also human pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoans, parasites etc. Once the fish dies the associated microorganisms affect quality due to spoilage. Thus, it is necessary to maintain the quality by destroying associated microorganisms and preventing growth of surviving microorganisms. The different preservation methods mainly aim at maintaining fish quality by reducing, killing or inactivating associated spoilage microorganisms.


Chapter 1: Aquatic Respiration

Chapter 2: Sensory Systems in Fish

Chapter 3: Vision in Fish

Chapter 4: Fish Intelligence

Chapter 5: Fish Locomotion

Chapter 6: Fish Reproduction and Spawn (Biology)

Chapter 7: Fish Hormones

Chapter 8: Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization 

  ***for more please visit the library***

 Prep. / Ayman Ashry        

Manage. / Mona Mahmoud


المصدر: Brilliance Publications LLP. – United Kingdom
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