محمد شهاب- المزارع السمكية Mohamed Shihab -Aquacultures

يعرض الموقع الأحدث من ومقالات و صور و مواقع تخص الاستزراع السمكى

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أرقام الفاو و البنك عن المزارع السمكية

محمد شهاب

Impact of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture

in the developing world and opportunities for adaptation

 Article by:

Leon Williams  (Corresponding Author)

Antonio Rota Senior Technical Adviser

FAO: Fisheries Thematic Paper:  Tool for project design


-86% of fishers and fish farmers worldwide live in Asia, with the greatest numbers in China (8.1 million fishers and 4.5 million fish farmers


-In 2006 exports of fish were worth a total of $85.9 billion, more than half of which originated in developing countries


-Asia is a major producer of fish, accounting for 52% of the world’s wild caught fish, while aquaculture in the Asia–Pacific region accounts for 89% of world production by quantity and 77% by


-The livelihoods of 520 million people depend on fisheries and aquaculture (FAO, 2009a), 98% of whom live in developing countries (World Bank, 2005).


-World Bank (2005) indicates that the number of fishers in the world has grown by 400% since 1950, compared with a 35% increase in the number of agricultural workers over the same period.( WB 2005)


-37% of fish produced (live weight equivalent) is traded internationally (FAO, 2009a).




يمكن متابعة اخر أخبار المزارع السمكية و السمك و الدخول فى حوار مع افراد مجموعة (المزارع السمكية Aquacultures)على الفيس بوك و كنانة او لاين:



المصدر: FAO
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نشرت فى 28 أكتوبر 2013 بواسطة hatmheet

ساحة النقاش


مرحبا كيف حالك انا اريد عمل مزرعه سمكيه بقطر واريد معرفه بعض الامور ودراسه الجدوى لها فهل اجد عندك ما اريد

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