محمد شهاب- المزارع السمكية Mohamed Shihab -Aquacultures

يعرض الموقع الأحدث من ومقالات و صور و مواقع تخص الاستزراع السمكى

Tilapia: Stakeholders call for sustainable fisheries

Editor/Mohamed Shihab

For several years, Lake Victoria has witnessed the depletion of fish stock due to over fishing, use of illegal gear, climate change and pollution.This has seen the government and stakeholders in the fishing sector come up with ways of addressing the problem including campaigns for aquaculture.

The initiative has seen the establishment of fish ponds and cage culture in Siaya, Busia, Migori, Kisumu and Homa Bay counties.Although aquaculture has been gaining momentum, stakeholders have raised concern over the declining production from catch fisheries.

Beach Management Unit (BMU) network national chairman Tom Guda said capture fisheries is experiencing serious neglect by the government.

“As fisher-folk, we appreciate what the government is doing but stakeholder engagement must be improved. All agencies must work with BMUs in ensuring the sustainability of our resource,” said Guda.He warned against abandoning capture fisheries for the sake of aquaculture.

“Capture fisheries are producing almost 95 per cent of revenue for the government and we must therefore put a lot of efforts in capture fisheries by supporting the fisher-folk and also conservation in the lake,” he explained.

Vemric Fish Processors CEO Felix Osok said there was need to reinforce aquaculture as a key component in the Blue Economy Act of 2016.“As a country, we have an annual deficit of at least 370, 000 metric tonnes, with a demand of at least 600, 000 metric tonnes per year. This deficit is being filled by imports from China,” he said.Osok however, raised concern over the use of hormones for producing fingerlings, saying it is dangerous for human consumption and reduces the immunity of fish.He said that the lake is exposed through the use of hormones.

“When the fish in cages disappear into the lake, it mixes with the natural fish and other species and changes the ecosystem,” he said, adding that there is need for stakeholders to conserve the lake.

Osok acknowledged that use of YY technology protects the human and fish, saying that it is difficult to import fish that are not organically produced.

[email protected]

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نشرت فى 2 ديسمبر 2024 بواسطة hatmheet

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