محمد شهاب- المزارع السمكية Mohamed Shihab -Aquacultures

يعرض الموقع الأحدث من ومقالات و صور و مواقع تخص الاستزراع السمكى

Kamuthanga: East Africa’s first Eco Mark fish farm

Editor/Mohamed Shihab

by Peter ChangtoekKenyan agriculture commentator

Kamuthanga, a tilapia and catfish RAS farm in eastern Kenya, has ambitious plans to double production by 2025.

Following a successful partnership with FoodTechAfrica, a Dutch-based NGO, Kamuthanga is the first fish farm in the region to receive the Eco Mark certification from the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO). Joseph Odhiambo, farm manager, explains how the farm has evolved.

When was the farm established?

The farm was established in 2013. Because this is a semi-arid area, where water is a big challenge, we were forced to establish a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) using concrete tanks. It is a system that is used in areas with little water and limited space, but is capital intensive. The dirty water from cleaning the filter is used to grow plants, like tomatoes and spinach.

Kamuthanga Farm was the first fish farm in East Africa to gain ARSO certification from Ecomark Africa in 2019.

After some initial challenges we formed a partnership with FoodTechAfrica (FTA), a Dutch-based NGO. It is a consortium of different players in aquaculture value chain, so we had feed manufacturers, aquaculture engineers, fish biologists. They came to Kamuthanga and looked at our system. The efficiency was low, so they decided to introduce a more refined RAS, allowing us to increase stocking densities to 135 fish per square metre. This increased productivity by 20 times – from 5 to 100 tonnes per year.

What were the initial challenges when you began?

One initial challenge was availability of water. People underestimate the amount of water that is required in fish farming and we had to drill a borehole. RAS are also energy- and capital-intensive.

Another challenge was that we were initially farming in the open, but the concrete tanks are now indoors – security is increased, while predation by birds and biosecurity are also taken care of. We have more control of production because fish are very temperature sensitive. If the temperatures are low, it can take up to three years before you harvest the fish, but when we introduced a greenhouse environment, temperatures rose. A cycle was supposed to take one year, but we are now doing it in 4-4½ months.

Because we can control factors such as the water temperature, indoor fish farming also improves our ability to meet the demand of our market – restaurants, hotels, supermarkets. Before the partnership with FTA we didn’t have much knowledge about RAS, so their training helped us a lot.

Which types of fish do you rear?

So we farm both tilapia and catfish. Some we grow to market size, some we sell as fry and fingerlings to other farmers.

Our genetics come from the Tilaqua in the Netherlands, where we source YY supermales as broodstock. These provide all male fish, which grow twice as fast as the females. They are quality breeds, which is why most farmers like our seeds. They also don’t multiply, so there’s no inbreeding and multiplication. Before that we were doing sex-reversal, using hormones, to create all male fish.

Where do you source your inputs?

Feeds account for around 65 percent of our cost of production and the price is generally going up. We import our feeds from Egypt, as these are cheaper and better quality than local feeds. Because we are using RAS technology, we need a specific feed quality, so that the filters are not overwhelmed.

For equipment: sometimes we import and sometime we buy locally.

We are the only people who are able to supply live fish to Nairobi. Our biggest market is actually to supply live fish to the Chinese living in Kenya.

Joseph Odhiambo

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What are the major challenges in day-to-day running of the farm?

The main challenge is the operation costs, like the cost of the feeds. Sometime feed availability. Another challenge is the rising cost of power. There are also policies that need to be addressed by the government, like control of Chinese fish, which are being imported at a very low price.

Thankfully we have our own niche: while the Chinese bring frozen fish, we supply fresh and live fish to the market. We are the only people who are able to supply live fish to Nairobi. Our biggest market is actually to supply live fish to the Chinese living in Kenya.

Who are the other key people in the farm?

There are 13 of us, including the hatchery manager, general manager, feeders, labourers to clean the filters and, of course, we need security. Security is key in aquaculture.

What is the significance of Eco Mark certification and what did you do to achieve it?

To comply with the standards you have to be audited and there are over 300 compliances you have to meet. It is also costly.

However, it is very important because, these days, people are very cautious about what they consume and most of our clients demand certification to have confidence in our products.

المصدر: thefishsite
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نشرت فى 29 مايو 2023 بواسطة hatmheet

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