What is Army Ants

Deep deep in the forest floors of central and South America, try to seek them, it's impossible. As dangerous as an elephant but as tiny as a grain of sand…Army Ants…

These incredibly dangerous insects can grow from 8mm to 12mm of length! Most of them are light brown but some can be reddish. They are very fast and intelligent. These insects are the most dangerous species of ants in the world. They can devour, dissolve, and eat a cow in a matter of hours. Scientists say that they can use their two front antennas to use the sense of smell but some people say that that isn't true.

Army Ants don’t have an exact predator because most people and animals step on them so they consider any moving thing a predator for them. Any animal or living thing can be eaten and dissolved by army ants, and that’s why they have such a good diet.

Army Ants love to feed on wasps, some insects and other animals that might have died but most delicious the Leaf Cutter Ants. Again Army Ants can eat any animal. They use their two front teeth and claws to bit and throw a type of venom that works as an acid to dissolve any type of skin. That is one way they have learned to survive.

Army Ants have also learned to survive in a huge team of ants called colonies. This way the ants have more chances of getting food or fight another animal easily. In only one colony of ants there can be from 5000 to 18,500 ants!

Army Ants have also learned to live on trees and underground to have less risk of being stepped and that’s why there are so many of them.

Army Ants are truly not endangered. Maybe million of them are eaten of stepped every day but trillions of them are born each day too! People don’t really want to get into their territories, squash their nests or step on them but if they do chances are that it will end your life.

Army Ants Specific

Army Ants, closely related to the driver ants, eat arthropods which makes it easy to consume that many animals in one day.

A colony of Army Ants!

Army ant colonies are like most other colonies; they have one wingless queen, millions of blind female workers, and millions of male soldiers. The species of Army Ants, and more particularly the soldiers, is known as Eciton burchelli . The soldiers are about one to two inches long including their two mighty mandibles.

The soldiers' main jobs are to protect the queen, gather or kill food, and to attack enemy colonies. All of the soldiers are male and are born with their two giant front mandibles. The mandibles are used for killing, carrying large objects, and digging. The mandibles are so huge that the soldiers have to depend on the workers to feed them.

Army or soldier ant

A single queen can lay from 100,000 to 300,000 eggs in one lay! Ants don’t really have a mating pattern but the queen spends most of her time mating and laying eggs. Their survival rate can be from 3 to 13 months. Army Ants are really one of the most interesting creatures in the world!

The females (shown below) in the colony are like most other females in other colonies because their jobs are to tend the eggs and queen ant. All females are blind, so they have to move around by chemical trails. The females' other jobs are to feed the queen and soldiers as stated earlier. The females are scientifically known as Eciton hamatum.

Female army ants

The queen ant is the thing that holds the colony together. The queen is pretty much the brain of the colony and controls the other ants. She is the biggest of the ants.

It is considered that Army Ants are some of the most efficient animals, or insects, in the tropics. To back this theory, a most obvious explain would be how they consume their prey. Army Ants form a giant group made up of millions of soldier ants. They then storm the tropics, killing and devouring anything in their path. If they come to a large animal, like an entangled cow, the soldiers will gradually start to cover it and when it is totally covered, they will cut the animal into small pieces without touching the internal organs so it gets eaten alive. After the animal has been cut up into tiny pieces, the worker ants follow a chemical trail to the food and carry it back to the nest. Then all the ants go back to the nest and rest while consuming their great feast. Those animals that could stand a chance against the ants are few, but one of those animals is us, humans. If you ever visit the tropics, watch out or you'll be carried off as their food!

In conclusion we realize hoe powerful and inteligent are these creatures are also realize that you don’t want to mess with them!!!

What is Army Ants ما هو جيش النمل

Deep deep in the forest floors of central and South America, try to seek them, it's impossible. عميق في عمق غابة من الطوابق الوسطى وأمريكا الجنوبية ، في محاولة للحصول عليها ، فإنه من المستحيل. As dangerous as an elephant but as tiny as a grain of sand…Army Ants… بقدر خطورة فيل ولكن صغيرة مثل حبة الرمل... النمل الجيش...

These incredibly dangerous insects can grow from 8mm to 12mm of length! هذه الحشرات بالغة الخطورة يمكن ان تنمو من 8mm ل12mm طول! Most of them are light brown but some can be reddish. معظمهم من البني الفاتح ولكن البعض يمكن المحمر.They are very fast and intelligent. فهي سريعة جدا وذكية.These insects are the most dangerous species of ants in the world. هذه الحشرات هي أكثر الأنواع الخطرة من النمل في العالم. They can devour, dissolve, and eat a cow in a matter of hours. أنها يمكن أن تلتهم ، ويحل ، وتأكل بقرة في غضون ساعات.Scientists say that they can use their two front antennas to use the sense of smell but some people say that that isn't true. يقول العلماء ان يتمكنوا من استخدام لهوائيين الجبهة لاستخدام حاسة الشم ولكن بعض الناس يقولون ان هذا ليس صحيحا.

Army Ants don't have an exact predator because most people and animals step on them so they consider any moving thing a predator for them. النمل الجيش لم يكن لديك المفترس بالضبط لأن معظم الناس والحيوانات على هذه الخطوة حتى أنها تنظر في تقديم أي شيء يتحرك المفترس بالنسبة لهم. Any animal or living thing can be eaten and dissolved by army ants, and that's why they have such a good diet. يستطيع أي حيوان أو الذين يعيشون شيء يؤكل ، وحلت الجيش النمل ، وهذا هو السبب لديهم مثل هذا النظام الغذائي الجيد.

Army Ants love to feed on wasps, some insects and other animals that might have died but most delicious the Leaf Cutter Ants. الجيش النمل الحب لتتغذى على الزنابير ، وبعض الحشرات والحيوانات الأخرى التي قد لقوا حتفهم ولكن معظم لذيذة وليف كتر النمل. Again Army Ants can eat any animal. مرة أخرى جيش النمل يمكن أن يأكل أي حيوان. They use their two front teeth and claws to bit and throw a type of venom that works as an acid to dissolve any type of skin. انهم يستخدمون اثنين من أسنانه الأمامية ومخالب لبت ورمي نوع السم الذي يعمل بوصفه حمض بحل أي نوع من أنواع البشرة. That is one way they have learned to survive. هذا هو أحد السبل تعلموه من أجل البقاء.

Army Ants have also learned to survive in a huge team of ants called colonies. الجيش النمل تعلمنا أيضا من أجل البقاء في فريق ضخم من النمل يسمى المستعمرات.This way the ants have more chances of getting food or fight another animal easily. بهذه الطريقة النمل الحصول على مزيد من فرص الحصول على الغذاء أو محاربة حيوان آخر بسهولة. In only one colony of ants there can be from 5000 to 18,500 ants! في واحدة فقط مستعمرة النمل لا يمكن أن يكون من 5000 إلى 18،500 النمل!

Army Ants have also learned to live on trees and underground to have less risk of being stepped and that's why there are so many of them. الجيش النمل تعلمنا أيضا أن يعيش على الأشجار وتحت سطح الأرض ليكون أقل عرضة للتدخل وهذا هو السبب في أن هناك الكثير منهم.

Army Ants are truly not endangered. الجيش النمل هي حقا يست في خطر. Maybe million of them are eaten of stepped every day but trillions of them are born each day too! ربما مليون منهم من صعد يؤكل كل يوم ولكن تريليونات منهم يولدون كل يوم أيضا! People don't really want to get into their territories, squash their nests or step on them but if they do chances are that it will end your life. الناس لا تريد حقا أن يحصل داخل أراضيها ، والاسكواش أعشاشها أو خطوة على لهم ولكن اذا فعلوا ما هي احتمالات أن ذلك سيكون نهاية حياتك.

Army Ants Specific الجيش النمل محددة

Army Ants, closely related to the driver ants, eat arthropods which makes it easy to consume that many animals in one day. الجيش النمل ، تتصل اتصالا وثيقا النمل السائق ، وأكل المفصليات الذي يجعل من السهل على كثير من الحيوانات التي تستهلك في يوم واحد.

A colony of Army Ants! مستعمرة النمل الجيش!

Army ant colonies are like most other colonies; they have one wingless queen, millions of blind female workers, and millions of male soldiers. الجيش مستعمرات النمل هي مثل معظم المستعمرات الأخرى ؛ لديهم ملكة واحدة مجنح ، والملايين من النساء العاملات الأعمى ، والملايين من الجنود الذكور. The species of Army Ants, and more particularly the soldiers, is known as Eciton burchelli . هذه الأنواع من النمل الجيش ، وبشكل خاص للجنود ، كما هو معروف Eciton burchelli. The soldiers are about one to two inches long including their two mighty mandibles. الجنود على وشك احد إلى اثنين بوصة طويلة بما في ذلك اثنان mandibles الاقوياء.

The soldiers' main jobs are to protect the queen, gather or kill food, and to attack enemy colonies. الجنود وظائف رئيسية هي حماية للملكة ، وجمع الغذاء أو قتلهم ، والهجوم على مستعمرات العدو. All of the soldiers are male and are born with their two giant front mandibles. جميع الجنود هم من الذكور ويولدون مع اثنين من mandibles امام العملاقة. The mandibles are used for killing, carrying large objects, and digging. وmandibles تستخدم للقتل وحمل الأجسام الكبيرة ، والحفر. The mandibles are so huge that the soldiers have to depend on the workers to feed them. وmandibles ضخمة جدا بحيث أن يكون الجنود قد تعتمد على عمال لإطعامهم.

Army or soldier ant جندي الجيش أو نملة

A single queen can lay from 100,000 to 300,000 eggs in one lay! ملكة واحدة يمكن أن تقع من 100،000 إلى 300،000 من البيض في وضع واحد! Ants don't really have a mating pattern but the queen spends most of her time mating and laying eggs. النمل لا يملك في الواقع نمط التزاوج ولكن الملكة يمضي معظم وقتها في التزاوج ووضع البيض. Their survival rate can be from 3 to 13 months. ومعدل البقاء على قيد الحياة يمكن أن يكون من 3 إلى 13 شهرا.Army Ants are really one of the most interesting creatures in the world! الجيش النمل هي حقا واحدة من المخلوقات الأكثر إثارة للاهتمام في العالم!

The females (shown below) in the colony are like most other females in other colonies because their jobs are to tend the eggs and queen ant. الإناث (مبين أدناه) في مستعمرة هي مثل غيرها من النساء في معظم المستعمرات الأخرى بسبب وظائفهم التي تميل إلى البيض وملكة النمل. All females are blind, so they have to move around by chemical trails. جميع الإناث مصابون بالعمى ، وذلك لديهم للتحرك من قبل حول الاثر الكيميائي. The females' other jobs are to feed the queen and soldiers as stated earlier. الإناث وظائف أخرى لإطعام جنود الملكة وكما ذكر في وقت سابق. The females are scientifically known as Eciton hamatum. والإناث يعرف علميا باسم Eciton hamatum.

Female army ants أنثى النمل الجيش

The queen ant is the thing that holds the colony together. ملكة النمل هو الشيء الذي يحمل مستعمرة معا.The queen is pretty much the brain of the colony and controls the other ants. الملكة هو الى حد كبير في الدماغ من مستعمرة النمل وغيرها من الضوابط.She is the biggest of the ants. انها اكبر من النمل.

It is considered that Army Ants are some of the most efficient animals, or insects, in the tropics. فهو يعتبر أن جيش النمل هي بعض من الحيوانات الأكثر كفاءة ، أو الحشرات في المناطق المدارية. To back this theory, a most obvious explain would be how they consume their prey. لدعم هذه النظرية ، وهو الأكثر وضوحا شرح كيف سيكون أنها تستهلك فرائسها. Army Ants form a giant group made up of millions of soldier ants. الجيش النمل تشكيل مجموعة عملاقة تتكون من ملايين من النمل جندي. They then storm the tropics, killing and devouring anything in their path. ثم كانت العاصفة المدارية وقتل والتهام أي شيء في طريقها. If they come to a large animal, like an entangled cow, the soldiers will gradually start to cover it and when it is totally covered, they will cut the animal into small pieces without touching the internal organs so it gets eaten alive. اذا جاءوا لحيوان كبير ، وكأنه بقرة متشابكا ، وسوف يبدأ الجنود تدريجيا لتغطية ذلك ، وعندما تكون مغطاة تماما ، وسوف تخفض من الحيوان الى قطع صغيرة دون لمس الأعضاء الداخلية حتى يؤكل فإنه يحصل على قيد الحياة. After the animal has been cut up into tiny pieces, the worker ants follow a chemical trail to the food and carry it back to the nest. بعد هذا الحيوان قد تم تقطيعه إلى قطع صغيرة ، والنمل العامل اتباع درب الكيميائية إلى الغذاء وتحمل على العودة الى العش. Then all the ants go back to the nest and rest while consuming their great feast. ثم كل النمل العودة الى العش والراحة في حين تستهلك على وليمة كبيرة. Those animals that could stand a chance against the ants are few, but one of those animals is us, humans. تلك الحيوانات التي يمكن أن تتاح له فرصة لمكافحة النمل هي قليلة ، ولكن واحدة من تلك الحيوانات هي ، نحن البشر. If you ever visit the tropics, watch out or you'll be carried off as their food! إذا كنت من أي وقت مضى زيارة المناطق المدارية ، احترس أو عليك أن تكون محمولا على طعامهم!

In conclusion we realize hoe powerful and inteligent are these creatures are also realize that you don't want to mess with them!!! وفي الختام ، فإننا ندرك مجرفة قوية وذكية وهذه المخلوقات هي أيضا أن ندرك أن كنت لا تريد أن نتعرض لهم!



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