(fight) tooth and nail If you fight tooth and nail for something, you fight with all your energy.
The Transport Minister fought tooth and nail to have the proposed road safety law accepted.
top dog To say that a person, group or country is top dog means that they are better or more powerful than others.
She's top dog in cosmetics today.
top of your lungs If you shout at the top of your lungs, you shout as loudly as you possibly can.
The place was so noisy that I had to shout at the top of my lungs to be heard.
top notch To say that something is top notch means that it is of the highest possible quality or standard.
The hotel was wonderful and the service was top notch.
on top of the world If you feel on top of the world, you are extremely happy because everything is going well for you.
It's been such a good year for Amy that she feels on top of the world.
toss up When there are two options or possibilities to choose from, and both are equally good, the choice between the two is called a toss-up (like tossing a coin).
Both boxers are in excellent condition. It's a toss-up which of them will win.
touch base If you touch base with someone, you make contact or renew communication with them.
I'll try to touch base with you next week in London.
(at the) touch of a button If you can do something at the touch of a button, you can do it very easily, often thanks to technology.
From now on the nursing staff can be alerted at the touch of a button.
touch wood / knock on wood This humorous expression, based on superstition, is used to avoid bad luck, often while touching something made of wood.
The order will be confirmed shortly - touch wood!
(not) touch with a ten-foot pole If you decide not to touch something with a ten-foot pole, you prefer to stay far away from it.
I wouldn't touch politics with a ten-foot pole!
touch and go If something is touch-and-go, the outcome or result is uncertain.
Dave's life is out of danger now, but it was touch-and-go after the operation.
tough as old boots If something, specially meat, is (as) tough as old boots, it is hard to cut and difficult to chew.  (This can also refer to a person who is strong either physically or in character.)
I was served a steak as tough as old boots.
tough cookie A person who is a tough cookie is one who is self-confident and ambitious and will do what is necessary to get what they want.
I'm not worried about Jason's future - he's a tough cookie!
tower of strength The term tower of strength is used to describe a person who is very helpful and supportive during difficult times.
All during my illness, my sister was a tower of strength.
toy with the idea If you consider something without giving it serious thought, you toy with the idea.
Sally has often toyed with the idea of moving abroad, but she's still here!

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