for the time being | If you talk about how a situation is for the time being, you mean that it is temporary and will probably change in the future. Laura has left John and is living with her parents for the time being. |
in one's own sweet time | If you do something in your own sweet time, you take as long as you please to do it in spite of the orders or wishes of others. Okay, I'll do it - but in my own sweet time! |
since time immemorial | If something has existed since time immemorial, it has been there for such a long time that nobody can recall a time without it. I don't know when that bridge was built. It's been there since time immemorial. |
time is ticking away | The expression 'time is ticking away' can be used when you see the minutes or seconds going by as the clock ticks, especially when you are waiting anxiously for something to happen. We need to intervene before it's too late. Time's ticking away. |
time-honoured practice | A custom that is universally respected, or a traditional way of doing something, is called a time-honoured practice. Guests were greeted according to a time-honored practice. |
stuck in a time warp | Something that has not changed at all from some time in the past, when everything else has, is caught or stuck in a time warp. This place seem to be stuck in a time warp. It's exactly as it was in the 1950's. |
tip of the iceberg | The tip of the iceberg is the part that is known of a problem or situation which is thought to be much more serious. Journalists say that the report on corruption only examines the tip of the iceberg. |
tit for tat | This expression refers to an injury or insult given in return for one received. "He kicked me, so I kicked him - it was tit for tat!" said the boy. |
toe the line | If someone toes the line, they obey the rules and accept the principles laid down by a person, group or organization. If you want to stay in this school, you'll have to learn to toe the line. |
toing and froing | Someone who is toing and froing is either repeatedly going from one place to another and coming back, or is constantly changing their mind about something. After months of toing and froing, a compromise was reached between the two parties. |
نشرت فى 13 مارس 2013
بواسطة hany2012
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