quake in one's boots

- to be afraid, to shake from fear

I was quaking in my boots when my boss told me to come to his office.

queer as a three-dollar bill

- to be very strange

The woman is the strangest person that I have ever met. She is as queer as a three-dollar bill.

quick and dirty

- fast and cheap, fast and careless

The method that the company chose to cut expenses was quick and dirty.

quick as a flash

- very quickly

I left the house as quick as a flash and went to work.

quick as a wink

- very quickly

The woman turned around and quick as a wink her purse was stolen.

quick as geased lightning

- very quickly, very fast

The cat climbed up the tree as quick as greased lightning.

quick on the draw

- to be able to respond to something quickly, to be quick to draw a gun and shoot

The man is quick on the draw and can answer most questions very quickly.

quick on the trigger

- to be quick to respond to something, to be quick to draw a gun and shoot

The man was too quick on the trigger and should have thought more carefully about what he was going to do.

quick on the uptake

- to be quick to understand something

The student is quick on the uptake and understands most scientific theories quickly.

quiet as a mouse

- very quiet, shy and silent

The little boy was quiet as a mouse as he moved around the kitchen.

quite a bit

- much or many

I had quite a bit of time so I went to the library.

quite a few

- many

The boy has quite a few DVDs at home.

quite a lot

- much or many

There are quite a lot of people in the meeting hall.

quite a number

- much or many

Quite a number of the teachers agreed to use the new textbooks.

quite a (something)

- definitely something

The girl is quite a pianist and everybody loves her.

quote a price

- to state in advance the charge for doing or supplying something

I asked the moving company to quote a price to move our furniture.

Idiom Quizzes - Q

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
  1. The man was (very strange) and everybody tried to avoid him.

    (a) quite a number (b) as queer as a three-dollar bill (c) quick on the trigger (d) quick and dirty

  2. I was (very afraid) when the angry dog started to approach me.

    (a) quite a bit (b) quick on the uptake (c) quaking in my boots (d) quick as a flash

  3. The man is (able to easily respond to most questions).

    (a) quiet as a mouse (b) quick as greased lightning (c) quick as a wink (d) quick on the draw


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