• Develops and upgrades Egyptian agricultural crops production as well as opening up new international markets through several export channels.
• Facilitates the interaction between producers and exporters.
• As a result simplifying the match between supply and demand to speed the deal making process with minimum effort.
• Ameliorates the standard of Egyptian agricultural products to reach international standards by improving packing, storing and cooling methods.
• Reduces crop waste in after collection operations to minimum permissible levels which leads to redeeming almost 25% of crop production severed during sorting, packing and transporting processes, as well as reducing preserving and storing costs.
• Eliminates monopolies and achieves price justice for producers since prices are determined by the market demand rather than by special biases to particular parties.
• Operates the biggest database bank in the middle east incorporating all information on products, services, producers and exporters of all goods related to agricultural industry.
• Furthermore provides up to date local and international communication systems to supply information and facilitate the dealing process locally and internationally.
• Provides all necessary resources for agricultural production from seeds. Fertilizers, pesticides, and other necessary resources to satisfy the needs of different agricultural regions.
• Cooperates with exporters to increase and achieve export and marketing objectives through company services provided.
• Provides consultancy for development and management for different agricultural activities, systems and projects.
ECTC current activity:
in the field of production and local marketing for the main corps:
ECTC makes a big activity in the field of marketing the main corps (cotton - wheat - maze .....) and their are many partners who help ECTC in marketing these products like the Agricultural and The agriculturalin :
• wheat marketing.
• Cotton marketing.
• mazes marketing.
• onion marketing.
• marketing the vegetables,fruits,medical plants and flowers corps.
• also ECTC is a productive unit with its farms in East of Oweinat area and the Agricultural Services Unit 's farms .
ECTC activity in East of Oweinat area:
ECTC with co-operation with the Agricultural Services in planting the area of East of Oweinat without the using of chemicals at all for exporting this products and this area have a warm weather which is suitable for growing most of products and here is an average for the production quantities for some products:
• wheat: 18 - 20 ardab \ feddan
• cantaloupe: 14 tons per feddan
• watermelon: 28 tons per feddan
• canola: 1.25 - 1.5 ton per feddan
beside that ECt is producing different varieties of products that is planted specially for exporting.
الشركه المصريه الكنديه للتجارة 32 شارع يحيي ابراهيم - الزمالك - القاهرة 27364004 - 27370322 - 27355516
نشرت فى 17 ديسمبر 2009
بواسطة ectcegypt
19 ديسمبر 2009
21 ديسمبر 2009
<p> </p>
26 ديسمبر 2009
<p>حجم خبرات كبير ومجموعة هائلة من الاهداف المفيدة</p>
<p>بعد اذنك يا م/ احمد عاوز اعرف اكتر عن محاصيل التصدير منك وجوانبها الحقلية</p>
26 ديسمبر 2009
<p>خبرة كبيره ونريد ان تضيف لنا اكثر لنتعلم منكم</p>
26 ديسمبر 2009
<p>very good</p>
26 ديسمبر 2009
عدد زيارات الموقع
ساحة النقاش