


1-     “The Second International Conference for Fish Resource Development in Egypt.” - Port Said, Egypt. April 22-24, 1986.

2-     The Second Congress for the Zoological Society of A.R. Egypt, 25th Anniversary-Cairo University, Egypt. Nov. 15-17, 1986.

3-     The International Symposium for Bio-indicators of Pollution; under the sponsorship of the International Union of Biological Science - National Center for Researches, Cairo, Egypt. Nov. 1986.

4-     The National Conference of control Schistosoma disease in Egypt. Arab Nations League, Cairo, Egypt. Dec. 26, 1986.

5-     The Second International Symposium on Tilapia Aquaculture. Bangkok, Thailand. March 16-20, 1987.

6-     XXIX Georgikon Days Keszthely Conference; Fish, Fisheries and Natural waters, Hungary. August 25-26, 1987.

7-     The First National conference on the Environmental Studies and Research - Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Jan. 31- Feb. 4 , 1988.

8-     The First Scientific Conference on Role of Scientific Research in Developing Fish Resources. Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. August 6-8, 1988.

9-     First International Conference for Trace Metals in Lakes. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. August 15-18, 1988.

10-  Workshop on data management of biodiversity, National Biodiversity Unit, Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency. January 16-18, 1995.

11-  The Scientific Research and the biodiversity in the Arab Countries. Halab University, Syria. September 5-7, 1995.

12-  The third conference on the pollution of environment in developing countries, Cairo, Egypt. November 19-23, 1995.

13-  The 6th International Conference for the Egyptian - Germany Society of Zoology, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, April 2-4, 1996.


14-  Organizing all the symposiums of Egyp. Soc. Of Fish. Res. DEVELOPS. (1996- 2015)

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