د/ أحمد عبد الوهاب برانيه

أستاذ إقتصاد وتنمية الموارد السمكية









When we are going to discuss such vital issue we have to be realistic ,opened minded, and frankly speaking.



 Strengthening Egyptian Fish production Should be based on the following facts:


1. For natural fisheries : the immediate task is how to sustain fish production . ( Due to over fishing, accelerated urban development in the coastal areas, agricultural and urban development in the northern lakes and pollution of water bodies…etc. )



2. As for aquaculture : development of fresh water fish farming is  depending on environmental and economic factors i.e. the availability of drainage water , proper sites (water is less available due to reuse of drainage water for irrigation ), and financial feasibility, ( cost of inputs mainly feed and fry).



3. Integrated aquaculture in the new lands ( desert ) in some areas are threaten by the shortage of  water as a result of improper management of ground water resources.



4. Fish production from natural fisheries and aquaculture is not considered either in water resources management or water uses policies.



5. What about the prospects of marine aquaculture in the short and medium terms i.e. 5-10 coming years, considering the prevailing and expected environmental and economic constraints.



6. We always in our meetings and discussions ignore or give little attention to a very vital factors which can play a significant role in removing and solving many obstacles and problems hamper strengthening national fish production. These are the managerial and administrative aspects of the fishery sector.



7. The managerial and administrative aspects include mainly three items:  ( Institutional Building, Capacity Building, Legislations ).



 I. Institutional Building


.We have many institutions under different names dealing with fish production issues.


*We have to ask…… are their tasks and functions are adopted with the real requirements and needs and in the framework of the prevailing national policies ( privatization and free market policies , Increase efficiency of cooperatives in production and marketing activities…etc.)


*Are they carry out their tasks and functions in a proper way and have capabilities to do that…?




*GAFRD has transferred one of its vital functions …Fisheries Mentoring to the Police of water bodies. …and the last has not the capability to do it as must for many reasons.



*How GAFRD can manage fisheries properly while the applied statistical system can not provide basic primary indicators such as CPUE ( catch per unit effort ).


*Who to decide whether fish cages are bad or good ? The governor of the region or GAFRD …?


*Who to gusset and approve managerial and development actions for Lake Naser fisheries ? the Governor of Aswan, the Lake Naser Authority or GAFRD …?



*Many institutions have the same tasks such as research activities ( GAFRD Research Department, Institute of Fisheries, Laboratory of Abbasa and Lake Naser Development Authority ) which may lead some time to duplication of efforts and resources.




 II. Capacity Building


 Are the executive Institutions have adequate and qualified staff especially at the high, meddle and regional ranks of administration to deal with the technical issues as well as regional and international organizations 



                                                                                     III. Legislations                             

Legislations are the managerial, administrative and economic instruments to run the activities in smooth ways to serve the development objectives .


It is believed that the bulk of the existing legislations related to fish production should be revised in order to be adopted with environmental , regional and global changes.





- Restructuring of fisheries intestinal buildings.


- Improving capacity building of these institutions.


- Revision of existing legislations  



د/ أحمد برانية أستاذ اقتصاد وتنمية المواردالسمكية معهد التخطيط القومى

ساحة النقاش

د/ أحمد عبد الوهاب برانية

أستاذ اقتصاد وتنمية المواردالسمكية معهد التخطيط القومى »


تسجيل الدخول

عدد زيارات الموقع
