
=في عيونك أشوف المطر وفي وجهك أشوف القمر وفي ضحكك أشوف جنون البقر

2=هي كلمه محدش يستاهلها غيرك ااح احترم نفسك وابعتلي مسج.

3=شوفتك ترد الروح
بسمتك دوى الجروح
وتبني ما أحـبـك ؟
يا شيخ رووووووح

4=دام حنا في
نهاية الشهر
أبي أكون أول واحد يقولك
معك 100سلف ريال

5=الظاهر إن علاقتنا لازم تنتهي إني لللأسف مابقدر أستمر معاك

6=اذا كانت الوردة أجمل ما في المزهرية....
أكيد أنت أجمل صرصور يمشي على الزولية...

7=للدموع أسرار...
للحب آثار...
وبفرقاك نار...
وشوفتك تذكرني...
بأكبر صرصار....

8=تعرف الغرام؟
آآه من الغرام,,,
الغرام يا عمري...
أصغر من الكيلوغرام...

9=صوتك نعير....حجمك كالبعير
لك تفكير الحمير....وعشاك شعير

10=صوتك مثل المطر
ووجهك مثل القمر
واذا ضحكت احس
فيك جنون البقر

11=انت شمسي
انت همسي
انت حاضري وامسي
انت عندي اغلا من البيبسي

وقفاك سوى

13=اعشقك اهواك واركض بالشبشب وراك واذا ضاعت فردة
فدااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا ااااا ااااااااااك

شواكيش: يعنى احراج

أسف اذا قلت لك انسى زماني
ماهو بيدي قلبي اليوم ناسيك
حبك نسيته يوم قلبك جفاني
ابعد وأنا أبعد ولالي بطاريك
اشلون أحب انسان طبعه أناني
لا مايصير تبيع فيني وأشتريك
أتبع طريقك خلني مكاني
يكفي جروح الله يخليك

قطعت الوصل يا شاطر
قوي القلب تعجبني
تحسب اني انا ناطر
وشوقي لك معذبني
وانا ماهزني هاجر
ولعب العيال ضحكني
ولكن خلك الصابر
وعلى فرقاك عودني
عشان انساك في الآخر
ومثلك ترى ما يشرفني

أرجوك لا تزيد علي المواجع
بالأمس تاركني واليوم راجع
تبي كل الي فات اليوم راجع
خلاص أرجوك ما عاد لك بالقلب مكان
أرحل عني وخلي بأحزاني أغوص
بكره جاييني نصيبي
وانت الله يرزقك بنصيبك
خلاص روح عافك الخاطر

خلاص الماضي ودعته
ومحيت ذكراه من قلبي
انا من باعني بعته
ورميت ذكراه

ما تصورت يجيني يوم وتهجرني
وتنسى عهد الهوى ما بينك وبيني
ما تخيلت انه في شي بها الدنيا ممكن يبعدك
وبغير الموت ما ظنيت اني ابفقدك
غريبه .. وشلون خنت وعودك
وذبحت طير الحب
بعد ما غرد على غصنك وعودك

سفالة : يعنى واحد يبغى ينكد عليك

لما غابت الشمس قلنا كسوف
لما غاب القمر قلنا خسوف
لما غبت انت قلنا ضاع الخروف

أنت كالجمل في صبرك
كالكلب في وفائك
كالغزال في مشيتك

بالعربي حيواااان

ممكن ترسلين صورتك
على شان نحطها بكتاب بعنوان
"لا زالت الحمير تعيش في بلادنا "


في ايام الطفوله
كنت اطارد الدجاج
والان كبرت
واصبحت اراسلهم

ارفع راسك وخليك عنيد
واذا قالوا انت حمار
وش الجديد

شفتي القمر وش بعده
بوكس واااااحد
اطيرك عنده

شوش بوش طوش خوش حوش توش نوش فوش كوش

زي الاهبل تقرا كل شيء

كل ما اشوف عيونك اتمنى اقولك شيء
شكلك تعبان روح ناااام

كل شجر له مطر يرويه
كل فقير له رب يغنيه
كل خبل مثلك
له حلو يموت فيه

ليس كل من ينظر الى وجهك يكون معجب
لكن قد يكون يتحمد الله على العافيه

قرد يسأل امه ليش اشكالنا قبيحه
قالت احمد ربك انك ما شفت اللي يقرا الرساله

ناس تكبرت
وناس نست
وناس تغلت


الله لا يحرمني منك حمار ما تتغير

سهيت بصفحة كتابي
لقيتك باول الاوراق

(للعلم كان كتاب عالم الحيوان)

بعطيك قلبي هديه
واذا لقيت فيه احد غيرك...

عادي سلم عليه واقعد

بردان: أدفيك
خايف : اهديك
جوعان دبر نفسك ماأكد علي


تعرف شو الغرام؟؟؟


اصغر من الكيلو جرام

غذل و حب

© جيت اضحك .. لقيت الضحك يستاهل جلوسك جيت ابكي .. لقيت دمعتي ما تستاهلل تنزل الا وتمسحها كفوفك جيت اسكت .. لقيت سكوتي يحلى بسماع صوتك جيت احكي .. لقيت الحكي يحلى وعيني تشوفك بالله عليك وش أسوي دام دنيتي ما تكمل بدونك .

© قلبي لك يا من ملكت كل القلوب ... وعهدي لك أني سأبقى رفيق الدروب .... فكن صبورا .. فقلبي لا يقوى الحروب .. وكن بي حنونا فحبي لك .. شمس تأبى الغروب .

© بعد ما ذاب السكوت , صاح فيني ألف صوت .. قالوا فقدته ؟ قلت يمين الله وحشتني موت .

© أروع ما قد يكون في العمر ( حب ) ولكن الأروع ! أن يزهو بالوفاء .. وأروع ما في القلب ( نبضات ) ولكن الأروع أن ينبض بالدعاء , فيا رب في هذا الوقت أسعده وبما يرضيك أشغله .. وبأعلى جناتك أسكنه .. وبما فيها من نعيم متعه .. ( أمين يا رب العالمين )

© فكرت بن أهديك عمري واكتشفت بأنه ملكك .. فأردت أن أهديك قلبي فوجدته بيتك ! أما عيناي فأعذرني !!! فهي الطريق إلى أملي .. وهو ( رؤيتك ) لكني سأهديك ما يعجز عنه أغلب البشر ؟ !!!! ” الوفــــــــــــــــاء ”

© كنت أحسبك غالي لكن للأسف تغيرت !!! وصرت فوق الغلا كله !!!!!


مره واحد تعرف على وحده
قالها شو الأسم لو سمحتي
قالت :اسماء
طيب ما في أسم محدد

محشش لقى كنز
هم زين مابقى بس الخريطة

واحد سال الاستاذ:ليه القلب يدق؟
رد الاستاذ: عشان المعده ترقص

دكتور دخل عنبر الميانين شاف
واحد يطق راسه بالنعال
سأل الممرضه :شقصته؟
قالت:حب وحده وماتزوجها!
دخل الدكتور عنبر ثاني شاف
واحد يطق راسه بالطوفه !
سال:وهذا شقصته بعد؟
قالت:هذا إللي تزوجها!!!

شريط طاح من فوق عماره وما انكسر ليش؟؟
فلم هندي..

محشش أنقذ واحد غرقان
عطوه وسام شجاعة
وقالو له بس للأسف نبي نخبرك
ان الرجل انتحر شنقا
رد المحشش
لا انا علقتة علشان ينشف

محشش يقول :
ذكري ما ماتت!!!
أنا سمعها بالراديو
مافيني شي جرح في طرف

قرويه راحت للصالون
قالت لها اللبنانية :
بدك ميك اب ؟
قالت :
لا ابي ( بيبسي ) قواطي

ديك قال للدجاجه
انتي شو تستفيدين
تجبين بيض والناس ياكلونه
قالت والله انا احسن من اللي
يأذن ولا يصلي

عطشان ارويك
بردان ادفيك
خايف اهديك
جوعان دبر نفسك ما أكد عليك

كل ماغمض                    عينيا وانام                              اتخيلك                            وكل ما اتخيلك                           استعيذ من الشيطان وارجع انام

     قرد بيسال امة احنا لية شكلنا وحش قالتلو احمد ربنا شوف اللى بيقرا الرسالة

     كلك رقة كلك زوق كلك لقمة ونام 

     أشوف القمر ويطول البال ، أشوف النجم ويزين الحال ، أشوف وجهك ويجينى إسهال

     لله يامحسنين لله رساله قصيره تمنع مكالمه طويله ذكي علي تلفونك ربنا يشحنهولك     


  من جماليك غناليك عبد الحليم حبك نار ومن ذكائك غناليك سعد الصغير بحبك ياحمار

كل الناس لهم معزه في قلبي الا انت ليك معزتين ووزه و3 بطاط وكتكوتين وعصفوره


واحد مسطول ماشي في البيت خبط فأمه .. قالتله ايه ما شفتنيش .. قالها شفتك بس مش فاكر فين





Eyes: To look at you, Hands: To pray for you, Mind: To care for u, Heart: To love you and Legs: To kick u if u forget me.
.................................................. ...........................................
We cannot be together,
But we'll never be apart,
For no matter what life brings us,
You’re always in my heart.
.................................................. ...........................................
Give laugh to all but smile to one, Give cheeks to all but lips to one, Give luv to all but heart to one, Let everybody luv u but u luv one.
.................................................. ......................................
I love my eyes when u look into them, I love my name when u say it, I love my heart when u love it, I love my life when you are in it
.................................................. .........................................
I hate u when u smile at me coz u make me crazy. I hate u when u talk to me coz u make me run out of words. I hate u when I see u coz u make me luv u more.
.................................................. ......................................
A bell is no bell 'til u ring it, a song is no song 'til u sing it & luv in ur heart wasn’t put there to stay-luv isn’t luv 'til you give it away.
.................................................. ...........................................
Don’t rush in luv for it never runs out. Let luv be the one to knock at ur door, so by the time you start to fall, you know that ur feeling is for sure.
.................................................. ............................................
A kiss is just a kiss till u find the 1 u luv. A hug is just a hug till u find the 1 u're always thinkin of. A dream is just a dream till it comes true. Luv was just a word till I heard it from u.
.................................................. ............................................
In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen 4 a reason but when the luv is real it becomes your plan 4 life n reason 4 living.
.................................................. ...........................................
Luv is like a cloud... luv is like a dream... luv is 1 word and everything in between... luv is a fairytale come true... Coz I found luv when I found U.
.................................................. ..........................................
I luv u not only for what u r, but for what I am when I'm with u. I luv u not only for what u have made of urself, but for what u r making of me. I luv u for the part of me that u bring out.
.................................................. ..........................................
Love Me now, love me never,
But if you Love mE, love me forever.
.................................................. ............................................
Is it Better For a Woman To Marry a Man Who Loves Her Than a Man She Loves.
.................................................. ..........................................
Love, true love, is that which can give the most
without asking or demanding anything in return.
.................................................. .......................................
Many a young lady does not realize just how strong
her love for a young man is until he fails to pass
the approval test with her parents.
.................................................. ...........................................
I believe that to truly Love, is the ultimate
expression of the will to live. A heart that
truly loves is forever young.
.................................................. ............................................
Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman,
but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.
.................................................. .....................................
Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall.
.................................................. ............................................
Beauty doesn't make luv but luv makes beauty; break everything but never break the heart; Heart is the music, play it but never play with it.
.................................................. ..............................................
God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...and I just caught one that's so nice and true... It's you!
.................................................. .........................................
Give laugh to all but smile to one; Give cheeks to all but lips to one; Give luv to all but heart to one; Let everybody luv u but u luv one.
.................................................. ..............................................
Knock! Knock! May I come into ur world? I bring no flowers, no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u healthy & luv to keep u smiling. Gud Morning!
.................................................. .........................................
Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it doesn't mean I forget u. I'm just giving u time to Miss me.
.................................................. ...........................................
I have liked many but loved very few yet no one has been as sweet as you. I'd stand & wait in the world's longest queue just 4 the pleasure of a moment with u.
.................................................. .............................................
To live this life I need a heartbeat, to have a heartbeat I need a heart, to have a heart I need happiness and to have happiness I need you


If I die and go to heaven,
I'll put your name on a golden star.
So that all the angels can see how much you mean to me.

You are like the sunshine so warm,
you are like sugar, so sweet.
you are like you.
and that’s the reason why I love you!
Happy Valentine Day.

What the heart gives away is never gone,
but kept in the hearts of others,
from dusk to dawn.
Love you from the core of my heart.
Be my Valentine.

Adam n Eve started to love,
Romeo n Juliet introduced it,
Devdas n Paro suffered 4 it,
Laila n Majnu died for it,
so my dear friendz beware of it
Feb 14 is ahead !

Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.

Your eyes aspire me
Captivate me endlessly
I do not wish for an end
To these delicious moments

If you would be loved, love and be lovable.

Love is the ******** our hearts use to speak to one another. For you, my dear, my heart sings.

“ Love is a languague that every heart speaks. . Its sharing dreams and turning them to reality. It's the ocean of love and warmth of friendship that makes my life:-) ”

“ Love and friendship are two sides of a coin. Make friends. Wishing ‘Happy Valentine Day to all of them who are a part of my life. ”

“ Love means an illusion, false promises, fooling around, expensive - just a Dreaded Word! True Love dont exist. Valentine Day is only for people who are not sure of their Love ”

We don't believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack.

Love, Humor, Anti Valentines and more. No registration required!

“ There's no one else I ever knew
Who appealed to me the way you do.
Please don't return my heart to me
Because it's yours "for keeps" you see!
If I could get your ear a minute
Here's what I would whisper in it .....
I Love You

“ So when you say your prayers tonight,
Please thank our God above...
For He is there to shower you,
With His almighty love.

“ There's no one else I ever knew
Who appealed to me the way you do.
Please don't return my heart to me
Because it's yours "for keeps" you see!
If I could get your ear a minute
Here's what I would whisper in it .....
I Love You

Little keys can OPEN big locks,Simple words REFLECTS great thoughts, Your Smile can CURE heart blocks, so keep on smiling.....it Rocks...........

Sun appears in the morning, Moon appears in the evening & at late nights but U always appear in my Heart.

every tears is a sign of brokeness, every silence is a sign of lonliness, every smile is a sign of kindness & every sms is rememberance of u.

rose is rose rose is red red is blood blood for heart heart for live live for love so my LOVE FOR U & AND only for "YOU"

charm is ur face..
character is ur great...
great is ur smile...
best is ur style.

Never say you r happy when u r sad...
Never say u r fine when u r not ok....
Never say u feel good when u feel bad...and

Smtimes we make each other cry n break each others heart, bcos we r lost in d prison of our pride n we let our treasure slip away, but 1 thing still stands afterall dis and that's LOVE. It's all dat matters.

In life LOVE is never planned nor does it happen for a reason.But when LOVE is real,it becomes ur PLAN for life and ur reason for living

sweety,have u heard news broadcasted by geo,ptv,bbc,ary? no?realy, ok i will let u know, all tv chanels has broadcasted that person having cell# ------(urs)----his heart has been stolen by person having cell#-----(lover).

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U .........Zthe one who invented alphabetswas a genius, but he made a sillymistake bu keeping "U" & "I" so far.

If u touch & do not feel then its a desire,if u do not touch & u do not feel the its nothing but if u do not touch & feel its a LOVE.

0% I hate U,10% so nice U, 20% so cute U, 30% so kind U, 40% need of U, 50% found of U, 60% my ideal U, 70% I want U, 80% I miss U, 90% I like U, 100% I love U every time.

You are the most wonderful man I have ever met. You light up my life and I am always complete and happy when I am by your side I will love you forever. You put a smile in my heart.

Valentines Day is a day of love, so mum, I want to say that no-one gives more love than you; You brighten everyday. You deserve my undying love, You earned it from the start. So on Valentines Day I give to you.
A very special place in my heart!

I love you. You complete my heart, my soul and my life. I will always love you, come what may. You are the joy in my laughter and oxygen in every breath. Don't ever forget me.

I'm missing you very much. I wish I could celebrate this Valentine with you my love. Happy Valentine's Day.

Don't leave me alone. I know I was wrong but I'm sorry for that. Please come back to me. I love you from the core of my heart.

Here is my heart, it is yours so take it,
Treat it gently, please do not break it.
Its full of love thats good and true,
So please keep it always close to u.

My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end. I love you!

Let's share the world
. A sea is for you, and waves are for me.
The sky is for you, and stars are for me.
The sun is for you, and light is for me.
Everything is for you, and you are for me.

May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine's Day !

To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart; a heart that's aching to see you smile again.

Love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving face no one will ever take your place. Wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!

"I'm enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your charisma and spellbound by your love. No wonder I am always thinking about you. I wish to celebrate every Valentine with you. Happy Valentine's Day!

Without Love -- days are sad day, moan day, tears day, waste day, thirst day, fright day, shatter day. So be in love everyday...Wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.

Without Love -- dayz are
shatterday... so be in Luv everyday...
Wish u a Happy Valentine's Day

What the heart gives away is never gone, but kept in the hearts of others, from dusk to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart. Be my Valentine.

The world doesn’t need more mountain 2 climb, more seas 2 cross, more stars 2 shine, what the world needs is more of U and UR smile. Happy Valentine Day.

Roses r red, violets r blue, its valentines day and 1 luvs u!!!

You are my friend, my love, my forever
Hapy Valentine Day





yesterday we talk, and i told you that i'm missing you ... today i send this message for you just to say that i missed you more than yesterday

love is affliction, and you are my affliction and i admire it

i can't say that i love you, because i will lie, i don't love you... i'm mad about you

i dream about you, my hand with yours, my head on your arm, then.... i woke up,, i prefer to be in trance if i will see you in all of my dreams

what is LOVE ? did you ever think about it ?
L = lonely
O = one
V = vends
E = everythings
for your sweety smile



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49 تصويتات / 995 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 26 ديسمبر 2009 بواسطة dr-ahmed19122002

ساحة النقاش

عدد زيارات الموقع
