اباده الحشرات من كايرو كنترول


كايرو كنترول لاباده الحشرات والفئران بالمصل الالمانى بدون  رائحه  بــ20 جنيه لجميع  المحافظات للصراصير والنمل وجميع الحشرات بالضمان بدون مغادره المكان بتصريح من وزاره الصحه

للحجز والاستعلام الخط الساخن 19035



- Mosquitoes of the most important types of flying insects in the spread of epidemics in all parts of the world, which include malaria, filariasis and viral diseases "disease Aldnju - JE - yellow fever".
- There are about 3000 species of mosquito - about 100 species responsible for disease transmission to humans.

 The life cycle: -
- Mosquitoes go through 4 stages of its life cycle are: -
"Egg - larva - the worm - Insect full.
- Females often mate once, but females often mate once, but put thousands of the eggs over her life.
- Female only that they bite to obtain blood - males feed on plant sap.
- Digesting the blood and the development of eggs takes 2-3 days.
- The females lay from about 30-300 eggs in the one-time "according to the types of mosquitoes."

- Most types of mosquitoes lay eggs directly on the surface of the water, either a single "Anopheles" or in clusters attached to "Culex" - Iagafs eggs after about 2-3 days, some species "EADS" lay eggs on the edges of water or in shallow water and Iagafs eggs after several weeks when it rains.

- The larva is going through 4 stages of alienation, "alienation first along the larva of 1.5 ms - break with the Fourth along the larva of 8 ms" - no legs - head full of hair - in a way Sweeping - feed on yeasts, bacteria and microorganisms in the water - with hose flush to the inhalation of air on the surface of the water - dive into the water for short periods to feed and when you sense danger.

- Mosquito larva Almansonia "Ansonia" You do not need to climb to the surface to breathe the air where you put the siphon hose in the water plants to get on the air.

- Caterpillar turn into a worm developed a "Cocoon" after 4-7 days, "may be long in the lack of food."

- Ataatgdy worm to stay close to the surface of the water - sink in the water when the perception of risk.

- The worm turns to the insect during the full 1-3 days.
- It takes life-cycle from egg to get out
Insect full about 7-13 days under the appropriate circumstances.
 The behavior of biting mosquitoes in: -
- Female mosquitoes feed on "sucking blood" on animals and humans "Most species prefer certain types of animals and humans."

- Females are attracted to body odor and the smell of carbon dioxide and heat emitted from the body of animals and humans. "

- Some species prefer to bite at certain hours of the day "at dawn - at sunset - the middle of the night."

- Some species prefer to bite into the forests - some of the other outside the home - some inside the house.

- Because of the length of time to digest the blood and the development of eggs, "from 2-3 days", females prefer to rest safe places "inside houses - livestock pens - outside the home" - places of rest at home easy to control.

- Female to Atldg during the development of eggs.
- Types of mosquitoes that feed on the blood of animals that are not effective at transmitting the disease from one human to another.
* Species of mosquito sucking blood human and the carrier of the disease: -
       - Divided into two groups to: -
         The first group: -
             Family "" Anophelines
            Sex "Anopheles"
- Alanofelis mosquitoes responsible for the transfer of disease Malaria - Filariasis "some areas."

             Group II: -
         Family "The Culicines"
        Type: -
- Culex "Culex" bus filariasis disease - viral diseases.
- EADS "Aedes" bus Aldnju disease - yellow fever - some viral diseases - filariasis "sometimes".
- Manswinne "Mansonia" disease carrier "Brugian Filariasis"
- Hema Jojs, Sabs "Haemagogus and Sabethes" a vector of yellow fever in the boreal forests of Central America.
      * Alanofelis mosquito "Anopheles Mosquitoes": -
- There are 380 type of mosquito Alanofelis spread across the world - about 60 type of attack humans and cause malaria, filariasis and viral diseases.

                     The life cycle: -
- Larval stage appears regularly around bright light on plants such as weeds and floating plants and algae

- Places for mosquito Altoaldamufdilp Alanofelis such as "Ponds - swamps - Tables ongoing - rice fields - the edges of canals - rain spillways - industrial packaging - tank lids."

- A single egg is placed on the surface of the water - is Alagafs during the 2-3 days on the tag contains a side effect of buoyancy - along the larva of 1 ml, caterpillar float horizontally on the surface of the water.

- It takes the life cycle of egg-laying until the insect out a full 11-13 days.
              Behavior of mosquito Alanofelis: -
- Mosquito Alanofelis active between sunset until sunrise.
- Mosquito Alanofelis attacking indoor feeding prefer comfort internally for several hours after feeding and then Ttakz places to rest on the plants outside their homes, spending rodents, cracks and fractures under trees or the ground and caves, beneath the bridge.

- Most types of Alanofelis feeds on humans and animals.

* Pipiens mosquito, "Culex Mosquitoes": -
- There are 550 type pipiens mosquitoes transmit diseases, filariasis and some viral diseases and Japanese encephalitis.

                                  The life cycle: -
- Be the white "100 eggs or more," the image packs on the surface of the water.
- White Iagafs within 2-3 days.
- Is a favorite breeding places of fresh water and explosive industrial and estuaries of rain and digging and digging of drains, toilets and Blaat drainage canals and wells and abandoned rice fields.

                         Pipiens mosquito behavior: -
- Pipiens mosquitoes attacking man and animals during the night inside and outside the home.
- During the day to Atinct pipiens mosquito.
- Is a favorite resting places "dark corners of the rooms - Ceilings - waterways - to plants - trees holes" Forests ".

    * Mosquito IDAAS "Aides Mosquitoes": -
- There are 950 type of mosquito IDAAS and cause many diseases Aldnju fever, fever Aldnju haemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, viral diseases, filariasis "some areas."

                                      The life cycle: -
- Is spawning a single dark spots around the edges of the water in ponds foreign subsidiary, which is characterized by high and low water levels - eggs live for months and hatch when the water availability.

- Breeding sites is a favorite coastal salt marshes, swamps, different irrigation systems, water tanks, jars inside and outside the home, roof gutters, bamboo materials, empty containers, used tires, bottles, do the implant.

                       Behavior of mosquito IDAAS: -

- IDAAS mosquito bite mainly in the morning or evening in and around buildings.
- Favorite places of rest are outside the buildings.

             * Mosquito Almansonia "Mansonia Mosquitoes": -
- Is spreading mosquito Almansonia in the swamps in the tropics and the movement of diseases, filariasis "India - Indonesia - Malaysia."

                                  The life cycle: -
- Put Almansonia mosquito eggs in clusters in the resin lower parts of plants or floating on the surface of the water.
- And the worm larvae breathe Siphon hose of aquatic plants in the water and not appear on the surface of the water, so it only appear on the floating bodies, which contain secondary plants in the swamps, ponds, ditches, irrigation canals.
- Often stick to some of the seeds of water "Eichhornia, Pistia, Slovinia" and aquatic weeds.

                 Behavior of mosquitoes Almansonia: -

- Almansonia mosquitoes bite mostly during the night outside the buildings - some species attack inside houses - places of rest, but outside the structure. The preparation of an engineer / Gomaa Hamdan.
Technical Department. Tenth of Ramadan. Cairo control.

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ابادة حشرات

ابادة حشرات من كايرو كنترول لاباده الحشرات والفئران 19035 تقوم الشركه برش جميع الحشرات والصراصير والنمل والبق والفئران لجميع المحافظات بالضمان بالمصل الالمانى وبالتبخير وبتصريح من وزاره الصحه وبدون مغادره المنزل 20 جنيه داخل الشركات والمنازل والمحلات التجاريه والفيلات 19035 بسعر المكالمه العاديه حاصله على شهاده الايزو 9001 الخط الساخن »

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خـدمــــه العمــلاء الخط الساخن 19035 بسعر المكالمه العاديه

ابادة الحشرات

اباده الحشرات|اباده الحشرات|اباده الحشرات|اباده الحشرات


كايرو كنترول لاباده الحشرات والفئران بالمصل الالمانى بدون  رائحه  بــ20 جنيه لجميع  المحافظات للصراصير والنمل وجميع الحشرات بالضمان بدون مغادره المكان بتصريح من وزاره الصحه

للحجز والاستعلام الخط الساخن 19035