Be on the safe side

To take special precautions to avoid making a mistake

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

What is beautiful to one person may not be beautiful to others.

Beggars can't be choosers

Someone in need should be grateful for what is given to him -- even if it's not what he wants or expects

The blind leading the blind

A person helping or advising someone knows as little about the subject as the person who is being advised.

The buck stops here

It means final decision or total responsibility for an action

Burn the candle at both ends

Those who are always busy and seem to get little rest

Buy a pig in a poke

Buy something without examining it for faults or checking to see if they are really getting what they believe they have purchased

Catch as catch can

To do anything or use any means to achieve an aim or reach a goal.

Children should be seen and not heard

To stop a child from asking questions, talking, or making unnecessary noise.

Christmas comes but once each year

An excuse to indulge in food and drink and spend money during the Christmas season.

Cry over spilled milk

It's pointless to get upset or feel regret about a loss or mistake that can't be undone

Curiosity killed the cat
To warn people not to show too much interest in affairs that don't concern them.

Cut off your nose to spite your face
When people are dissatisfied or angry, they sometimes react by doing foolish things that prove harmful to themselves.

The devil finds work for idle hand
Unless one keeps busy doing useful or constructive things he could be tempted into mischief or evil.

The devil has the best tunes
To do something unworthy because it gives you pleasure

Dog eat dog
In competitive situations where each person has his own interests at heart, it is usually the strong and the determined who succeed.

An exception to the rule
Something does not conform to or agree with a rule

Fling/throw mud at someone
To say evil or bad things about someone and in doing so, to damage his or her reputation.

A fool and his money are soon parted
A person who spends his money foolishly will soon be penniless

Forgive and forget
Excusing or pardoning someone for doing something

Give someone enough rope and he will hang himself
If we allow someone to continue in his bad ways he'll eventually bring about his own downfall or ruin.

Grin and bear it
To put up with discomfort or a bad situation without complaining.

He who pays the piper calls the tune
The person who pays for something has the right to do as he wants.

Hide your light under a bushel
Concealing your talents, skills or abilities

Hitch one's wagon to a star
To Move forward in a way to improve your chances of achieving success.

Home is where the heart is
No matter where you are, 'home' is where you feel most comfortable and content.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride
If we could get all the things we wanted just by making a wish, everyone would have all he ever wanted.

If you can't lick them, join them
If you cannot defeat an opponent or get him to change his ideas, plans or way of doing things, the best thing is to change your ideas, plans, etc.

In for a penny, in for a pound
If we decide to do something, we should commit ourselves to it boldly and completely.

A job worth doing is a job worth doing well
When you do something you should do it as well as you can.

Keep the wolf from the door
To avoid hunger and poverty

Laugh and the world laughs with you
When someone is in a happy, cheerful mood, people like being with him

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35 تصويتات / 507 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 21 أغسطس 2010 بواسطة atef4english

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