التهاب الضرع
يحدث نتيجه الاصابه البكتيريه وخاصه الاصابه ببكتريا الstreptococcus   Staphylococci 
انتفاخ الضرع وكبر حجمه وسخونه الملمس وعدم اقبال الام على عمليه الرضاعه


اولا تطهير الضرع بالبيتادين مره او مرتين يوميا. 

حقن الاوكسيتتراسيكلين او  البنسلين  او الاستربتومايسن 1سم لللارنب كل 24 ساعه او كل 12 حسب درجه التورم والالتهاب


 او اوكسى بودره يتحط فى الميه لمده 3 ايام
ومن خطروه المرض امكانيه اصابه النتاج عن طريق الام


Symptoms of mastitis in rabbit:

  • Rabbit teats appear inflamed, feverish and turn blue.
  • Dehydration and burning.
  • Infected rabbit is usually seen hitting her breasts against the cage wall.
  • Abnormal increase in milk production.
  • Boil formation within breasts.
  • Blood tainted & stinking discharge from infected breast.

Causes of mastitis illness in rabbit:

Mastitis in rabbits is normally caused by various forms of bacteria. Staphylococci lead to chronic form while a streptococcus causes the acute form.

Treatment for rabbit mastitis:

Usage of a variety of antiseptics is generally advised by the veterinary professionals. Besides this, use of antibiotics like quinolones and penicillin is prescribed as expert opinion. Dipping the infected body parts in sterile warm water is commonly practiced.

On the whole, a doe doesn’t get infected unless it is breeding. It is recommended to clean the rabbit’s old bedding with disinfectants before the birth of new offspring. However, the young ones need protection and require immediate separation from the mothers to avoid poison consumption. The newborns can be hand fed and it is good to destroy the infected rabbits in order to protect the next generation.

Prevention of mastitis in rabbit:

Prevention of any kind of disease is usually better than treatment. General hygiene and sanitation serves the cause most of the time. Mastitis in rabbit cannot be cured completely but can be controlled to a large extent. Practicing good nutrition, enough moving space and plenty of ventilation also helps. Immediate consultation for expert opinion is highly beneficial during the initial stages of infection as it helps to prevent further severity of the disease.

Awareness about rabbit Mastitis in the female rabbit is very important for pet owners. Accordingly precautionary measures have to be adopted while breeding rabbits. A timely inspection at pet health care units proves beneficial as it provide useful information on general well-being of rabbits.

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نشرت فى 15 نوفمبر 2014 بواسطة astravet

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