برنامج avast! 6.0.1270 افاست العملاق اخر نسخة 2012
برنامج افاست برنامج غني عن التعريب فهو من افضل برامج مكافحة الفيروسات فى العالم وحاصل على الكثير من الجوائز ...
وصف البرنامج بالانجليزية
avast!is an antivirus program made increasingly large popularity both inBulgaria and around the world. The resident protection of the programcomes with several separate module which you protected from contaminantsat different levels, a standard shield, Internet Shield, checking ofoutgoing and incoming mail, etc. The program is a winner of numerousawards, among which is the prestigious prize for best ativirusna programof SC 2006 in the United States and Europe. The program is developed byAlwil Software and is completely free for home and non-commercial use.
avast! Free Antivirus 6.0.1270 Beta
avast! Pro Antivirus 6.0.1270 Beta
avast! Internet Security 6.0.1270 Beta.
حجم برنامجavast
200 ميجا
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