عدد 37 تحميلات تحت قسم بحوث الري الحقلي
تصفح جميع التحميلات
Estimation of water requirements for Orchard Trees in the new land
Prediction of optimum sowing date for Wheat in different regions of Egypt
Estimation of water needs for vegetable crops in the new lands
Scheduling irrigation of Canola under nitrogen sources in Middle Egypt
A new water s aving and yield increase method for growing berseem "Trifolium alexandrinum" on raised seed bed in Egypt
Prediction of optimum sowing date for Maize in different regions of Egypt
Effect of Irrigation Scheduling and Nitrogen Fertilization on Barley Yield and Water Use Efficiency
Scheduling irrigation of the Wheat Crop in Upper Egypt under some planting dates
Effect of incorporating wheat crop residues into the soil , N - rate and irrigation interval on maize yield and some yield - water relations
Effect of different irrigation regimes on simulated Potato Productivity and water needs
Scheduling irrigation of Sesame Crop under different Phosphorus fertilizer application time in middle Egypt
Effect of different irrigation treatments on Soybean and Maize yield grown under different intercropping patterns
Different Statistical Procedures to Determine Important Yield Components of Maize Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments
Simulation of Maize Yield under different sowing dates using CropSyst model
Increasing crop water productivity by using the best scenarios of the cropping patterns under different agro-climatic zones
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