A sustainable corporation
Nada Amine Awar

Once being an elder
A caterpillar is stronger
It flies so high
It becomes a butterfly
The same with you
With humans too
In your cocoon
The self is grown 
Clean it from anger
No fear be stronger
Selfishness creates fear
Wake up my dear
Free yourself from hatred
You are not belated
With love you stay
Enjoy your way
Harmonize your journey
The psychic enemy
Is inside of you
Plant seeds of love
Day by day and grow
Older you get
Purity must let
Energy above
To mix with love
Then it becomes
Positive incomes
For mother earth
For every birth
Rhymes of the nature
Within every creature
Is beyond imagination
A sustainable corporation


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ند ى أمين الاعور

Nada Amine Awar Mosaitbeh, Donnawi Street, Azar Bldg., 7th Floor Beirut, Lebanon Phone: +961 76715513 Email: [email protected] Name Nada Amine Awar Birth date 4- 1- 1957 Sex Female Marital status Single Nationality Lebanese EDUCATION October, 2018 Udemy, Michael Dale instructor, online course, Laughter Yoga, Completion Certificate. September, 2018 Udemy, Marco »


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