NLP consists of a set of techniques to bring about change, including: -

 Docking: the process of linking internal Bmwther response to an external (anchor) so that the response is quick, visible and can return to it when the pressure on the anchor.

Marinas can be found naturally or are artificially.

Anchors can be done using both systems representative in cases which affect the internal positive and negative.

 Accumulation of anchors: the process of linking the set of events Bmersap certain to strengthen the response of the recipient of the anchor is selected. - Break moorings: the process of removing negative situations by activating the two responses at the same time opposing the strongest of them are positive anchor.

 A series of anchors: is the work of a series of anchors in order to move from phase unwanted through a series of intermediate stages to the desired stage, when there is a stark contrast between the two cases.

State of the Union: Union in the entire situation and their own feelings.

For the past experiences, it means the exercise of the experience so that human Erie itself.

Case of separation: the experience of old conjure from the point of view of someone as an observer.

This means that do not live feeling of the original but instead to acquire the feelings of the observer, ie, sees himself as a live feeling.

Separate feelings dual: a process control one for himself as he watched a video of previous experience over them.

This process is used in the treatment of phobia and violent shocks.

Calibration: a detailed reading of the physiological changes of Foreign Affairs and linked to the situation Alihsacip Interior.

 Change personal history: the routing process beneficiary to re-live a series of positions using the previous work and then docking Selective positive cases for each position and used to re-read the previous events in another way.

Intimacy: The process of finding harmony between the parties and by reducing the perceived difference in the level of the subconscious to the least possible.

Re-framing: re-reading of the event negative otherwise positive.

 Strategy: a succession of analog systems lead to a certain outcome.

Stereotypes: the smallest unit of the division of external expertise. Fragmented picture and sound and sense into smaller parts.

Raise the senses necessary to be able to change your behavior in response to someone else. Non-verbal indicators that are relevant and can be read by someone nine, namely:

Color of the skin site - breathing - luster skin - respiratory rate - muscle tension - deep breath - the size of the lower lip - all the same between the stances, and another - a widening of the pupil's eyes beneficiary shows the kind of information which the recipient looking for.

 The following graphics show the methods of entry of the beneficiary, his information is stored for the person who uses or Imnah Israh Kid essential in everyday life.

There are some assumptions that accompany neural linguistic programming is useful in effective communication.
There are some assumptions that accompany neural linguistic programming and is useful in effective communication.

المصدر: Definition programming nerve
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20 تصويتات / 176 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 29 مايو 2010 بواسطة NLP

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أولا البيانات الشخصية الاسم / محمد عبد الغنى عبد الحميد الوظيفة / معلم اول أ ( مسئول الدعم الفني سابقا و المنسق الالكتروني لإدارة السلام التعليمية ) تاريخ الميلاد / 25/6/1962 تاريخ التعيين 1/8/1995 مدرسة / مصطفى كامل الثانوية بنين الإدارة: السلام التعليمية المؤهلات : حاصل على بكالوريوس علوم من »


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