AD Anaerobic Digestion
AC alternating current
B barrel
BSP Biogas Support Program
C4H10 Butane gas
CH4 Methane gas
C/N Carbon : Nitrogen ratio
CO2 Carbon dioxide gas
CH4 Methane Gas
CHP Combined Heat and Power
D1 1.5 m3 digester with stirrer
D2 1.5 m3 digester without stirrer
DC direct current
h Height [m]
H2 Hydrogen gas
HRT Hydraulic Retention Time
GHG Green House Gases
kg Kilo gram
km Kilo meter
kj Kilo Joule
kWh Kilo. Watt. Hour
L litter
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
m meter
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
mg milligram
NMOCs "non-methane organic compounds"
N2 Nitrogen gas
NIS New Israeli Shekel
NGO Non Governmental Organization
OFMSW Organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste
OLR Organic Loading Rate
PERC Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center
pH Acidity degree value
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
PV devices Photovoltaic
ERC Energy Research Centre at An-Najah National University
r Radius [m]
RAS Return Activated Sludge
SRT Solids Retention Time
TS total solids
Ta Auto ignition temperature [0C]
Tb Boiling point [0C]
Tf Flash point [0C]
Tm Melting point [0C]
T Retention time [day]
UASB Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
V Volume [m3]
VFAs Volatile fatty acids
Z.A Zahret Alfingan Landfill
Ρ Density [kg/m3]
Term Definition
Anaerobic Digestion: (AD) the biological, physical and or chemical
breakdown of animal manure in the absence of oxygen.
Biogas: the gas produced as a by-product of the anaerobic decomposition
of livestock manure consisting of about 60-80 percent methane, 30-40
percent carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases.
Combined Heat and Power: (CHP) a system for producing electricity
while capturing and using heat.
Hydraulic Retention Time :(HRT) average length of time any particle
(liquid or solid) of manure remains in a manure treatment or storage
Mesophilic :Relating to, or being at a moderate temperature of about 30 to
35 c degrees.
Return Activated Sludge:(RAS) a process by which some of the digester
bacteria are returned to the digester reducing the amount of energy.
Solids Retention Time: (SRT) average length of time any solid particle of
manure remains in a manure treatment or storage structure. This is
calculated by the quantity of solids maintained in the digester divided by
the quantity of solids wasted each day.
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