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Effect of  Substrate Temperature on the Optical Properties of CdTe Thin Films

Mohamed Ibrahim ELSamahi, Wahib Attia and  AbdulRahman Salem ALAgali

(1)   Physics Department , Fac.  of  Science , Ismallia, Suez Canal Univ., Egypt

(2)   Physics Department , Fac.  of  Science , Ismallia, Suez Canal Univ., Egypt

(3)   Physics Department, Fac. of  Education, ALGabal ALGharpy Univ., Kekla, Libya



CdTe thin films were  prepared at  different substrate temperatures (Tsub=473-573K) on glass by conventional vacuum evaporation method. Optical transmission spectra as a function of substrate temperature were studied. The optical band gap was determined at different isothermal temperatures .The results show that the optical gap decreases with increasing the specimen temperature according to: Eg (eV)=1.59-bTm  (where b is a constant which depends on the substrate temperature and Tm in K), valid from 298 up to 423 k.


Key words: CdTe thin films , effect of substrate Temperature , Optical Properties


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