

Adaptation and mitigation measures in Egypt and some Arab countries :Current state and future recommendations

 Nasser Mohamed Ayoub

Production Technology Dept., Faculty of Industrial Education, Helwan University.




The current situation of vulnerabilities caused by accelerating impacts of climate change and the adaptation and mitigation measures taken by some Arab countries were investigated .The aim of this paper is twofold, the first is to define the current situation and future measures that Egypt is taking or has to take in order to face the accelerating impacts of climate change. The second is to define the differences or similarities of such impacts in the Arab region that has countries of different economical, social and political structures. If common, regional, climate change impacts exist, collaborative measures can be taken and a better adaptation capacity can be developed in the region.  In this paper a comparative study for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirate, UAE, and Sudan is provided. It was found that the most pressing issues in the four countries are sea level rise and water scarcity. This research paper claims the need for “researchers capacity building” in the area of climate change research to enable them carrying ambitious research projects. 


Key words: Adaptation, mitigation, Arab countries, capacity building, water scarcity, sea level rise, climate change.  



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منتدى العلماء العرب

منتدى العلماء العرب Forum for FAS منتدى العلماء العرب تجمع عربى للعلماء العرب من داخل وخارج الوطن العربى ولايهدف الى تحقيق الربح وقد تأسس بناء على توصيات المؤتمرات الدولية التى نظمتها الجمعية الاكاديمية المصرية لتنمية البيئة منذ 2002 وحتى تأسيس المنتدى والاعلان عنه عام 2012م . وقد تأسس المنتدى بغرض: »


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